Title: The Name of the Rose
dorksidefiker Fandom: Runaways/Young Avengers
Table/Prompt: 15. Candlelight and incense
Character/Pairing: Tommy/Nico
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Summary: It's the rose that really topped it off.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
It was the rose clenched between Tommy's teeth that made Nico collapse in paroxysms of laughter. The candles, the incense smoldering away in the corner, even the filmy cloth thrown over the light that Nico suspected had been taken from her own wardrobe - those she could have kept a straight face for. But Tommy sprawled on the bed with that rose, wearing such an unbelievably cheesy expression... it was just too much for her to take.
Tommy sat up, taking the rose from his mouth and gave Nico an offended look that put her more in mind of an angry kitten than anything else.
That only made Nico laugh harder.
“Here I am, all sexy and stuff, and all you can do is laugh? I'm hurt.” Tommy continued his angry kitten pout. “I try to be romantic and I get laughed at. See if I ever do this again.”