yoinked from spiramentum

Oct 11, 2005 02:29

How tall are you? taller then most of the people who will read this if not all
Have you ever done heroin? nah
Do you own a gun? nope...
Have you ever been arrested? yeah... was a pain in the butt
Rehab? nope
How many of your friends have committed suicide? *shrugs* i don't generally make friends with people even remotely suicidal... i generally hate them... emo fucks!
Do you shave your crotch? hahaha...
Would you fuck someone in a cemetery? i don't see why not
Do you ever punch yourself? wtf? no
Have you ever killed an animal? yeah... wasn't game enough to eat it though...heh game
Are you Irish? no, fucking irish faggots! (yes boondock saints rocked!)
Who would you punch if you could? oh way to many to list
What do you think of hot dogs? great for eating, not so great for patching holes in a submarine...
What's your favorite Christmas song? i hate christmas songs
What is your favorite smell? mmm...
What do you prefer to drink in the morning? i generally don't drink anything
Would you go to SF or NYC right now if you had the chance? no
Do you do pushups? hahaha i can't support my own weight
Do you ever fantasize about murder? not really, i think about it though
Would you fuck Victoria Gotti if you could? Victoria who?
Have you ever done ecstasy? ...
Are you straightedge? straight... edge?
Are you vegan? hahahahahahahahaha... no
Do you shoplift? no
Whats the last thing you stole? alright i'll admit it, i stole the last delta cream earlier tonight
Do you ski or snowboard? i've never even seen snow
What do you think of moustaches? they look silly, except on san... san with a moustache is sexeh! =P
Do you use hair gel? no
Do you sniff cocaine? nope
Who is your favorite serial killer? don't know, he was never identified
Have you ever made out with your friend's bf or gf? i have no idea
Have you ever been caught mid-hump? nope
Have you been shot? no
Have you ever been hospitalized? not for anything to serious
Do you like painkillers? no
What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? no... i kinda suck in that department
Have you ever lubed up your genitals with soy milk? ...wtf?
Do you own a knife? several
Have you played ghettopoly? no, but i'd like to
Have you ever bought drugs in the "ghetto" or "hood"? Cranebrook Bro...
Do you have A.D.D.? no
Have you ever had a head injury? yes
How many virgins have u slept with? one
Do u love the pain a tattoo brings? it doesn't really hurt that much

[x] Name: Matt

[x] Birthdate: 4th May 1986

[x] Birthplace: Nepean Hospital

[x] Current Location: Werrington

[x] Eye Color: blue

[x] Hair Color: brown?

[x] Righty or Lefty: neither

[x] Zodiac Sign: taurus

[x] Innie or Outtie: what?


[x] The shoes you wore today: no shoes, i was inside all day

[x] Your fears: large amounts of water

[x] wallet: it's black and has velcro... that's right... velcro fuckers!

[x] underwear: Black boxers

[x] tattoos: a word on my arm

[x] room: white walls, bed, 2 desks, computer, half a computer, guitar and amp, fan, fuckload of Warhammer, Warhammer40K and LOTR miniatures

[x] Boyfriend/Girlfriend: don't have one

[x] parents: eh my mother and uh... zoidberg

-----------------WHAT IS------------------

[x] Your most overused phrase: *shrugs*

[x] Your thoughts first waking up: i'm tired

[x] The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: whatever stands out most?

[x] Your best physical feature: *shrugs* they all suck pretty bad

[x] Your bedtime: whenever i feel like it

[x] Your most missed memory: hanging out in chatswood

-----------------YOU PREFER------------------

[x] Pepsi or coke: coke

[x] McDonald's or Burger King: neither

[x] Adidas or Nike: adidas

[x] Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate

[x] Cappuccino or coffee: eww either way it's still coffee

-------------DO YOU------------------

[x] Smoke: nope

[x] Curse: not very often

[x] Take a shower everyday: atleast once a day if not more - usually twice

[x] Have a crush(es): ...

[x] Do you think you've been in love?: pretty damn sure

[x] Want to go to college: maybe

[x] Like high school: it was fun

[x] Want to get married: eh maybe

[x] Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: as opposed to the left ones?

[x] Believe in yourself: not at all

[x] Get motion sickness: no

[x] Think you're attractive: pfft no

[x] Think you're a health freak: no

[x] Get along with your parents: not really

[x] Like thunderstorms: yep =)

[x] Play an instrument: kinda

------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU--------------

[x] Go to the mall: yes

[x] Eaten sushi: no

[x] Been on stage: no

[x] Had sex: no

[x] Been dumped: no

[x] Gone skating: nope, i want to though

[x] Made homemade cookies: nope

[x] Dyed your hair: no, but my pretties... *evil grin at strands of hair*

[x] Stolen anything: no

-------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------

[x] Flown on a plane: a paper one

[x] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: haha yes

[x] Cried during a Movie?: no, but came close seing so many jedi die

[x] Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: plenty lots

[x] Been caught "doing something": something?

[x] Gotten beaten up?: haha, yeah

----------------THE FUTURE------------------

[x] Age you hope to be married: *shrugs*

[x] Numbers and Names of Children: 1, sonic

[x] Desceibe your Dream Wedding: one where all involved turn up?

[x] How do you want to die?: i don't really care

[x] What do you want to be when you grow up?: younger?

[x] What country would you most like to visit?: germany

-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------

[x] Best eye color: Blue or green

[x] Best hair color: Black

[x] Short or long hair: either can be good

[x] Best height: shorter then me, otherwise it looks weird

[x] Best weight: less then mine?

[x] Best date location: depends on who your with

[x] Best kiss location: ...

-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------

[x] Number of people I could trust with my life: 1

[x] Number of CDs that I own: to many to bother counting

[x] Number of piercings: zero

[x] Number of tattoos: 1

[x] Number of scars on my body: 7 but all are really small
2 of my toes have scars
1 on my left thumb
1 on the right side of my body
3 on the right side of my head

[x] Number of things in my past that I regret: lost count

----------------RIGHT NOW------------------

[x] Wearing: black shirt unbuttoned over a white t-shirt and blue camo pants

[x] Drinking: strawberry milk

[x] Thinking about: house hunting tomorrow...

[x] Listening to: Dimmu Borgir... shut up i can't explain why

---------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------

[x] Cried: no

[x] Worn jeans: never have

[x] Met someone new online: no, who meets people online... really?

[x] Done laundry: yeah

[x] Drove a car: no

[x] Talked on the phone: talked to Julez

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------

[x] Yourself: no

[x] Your friends: very few of them

[x] Santa Claus: no

[x] Destiny/Fate: no

[x] God: no

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------

[x] Do you ever wish you had another name?: not really

[x] Who have you known the longest of your friends? Jeff

[x] Are you close to any family member?: no

[x] When have you cried the most?: *shrugs*

[x] What's the best feeling in the world?: good question

[x] Worst Feeling?: being alone

[x] What time is it now?: 3:03am


[x] First Best Friend: Ricky

[x] First Love: Julia

[x] first pet: Mog i think

[x] first job: KFC for 2 days!

[x] first screen name: garland

[x] first self purchased cd: Mortal Kombat soundtrack when it was first released

[x] first funeral: one of those great grand mothers or something

[x] first piercing/tattoo: no piercings/tattoo on arm

[x] first enemy: *shrugs*

[x] first big trip: Port Maquarie or Moss Vale, both seem far when your really young


[x] Last cigarette: ?

[x] Last beverage drank: strawberry milk

[x] Last food consumed: delta cream biscuits

[x] Last crush: ...

[x] Last phone call: Julez

[x] last long car ride: just how long is long? longest car ride in the past 6 months is prbably between Penrith and Sydney though

[x] last library book checked out: something about research on black holes

[x] last time showered: about 4 hours ago

[x] last shoes worn: New Rocks

[x] last song played: Dimmu Borgir - Progenies of the great apocalypse

[x] last annoyance: not sure

[x] last time you had sex: um... you know i can't remember


[x] Best friends: Jeff, Brad, Julez

[x] Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: no

------FASHION STUFF---------

[x] Where are your favorite places to shop: don't really care

[x] fav. item of clothing: i don't know, my socks are pretty cool


[x] Do you do drugs: no

[x] What kind of shampoo do you use: whatever i have at the time, right now um... one with pro-v written on it

[x] What are you most scared of: water... lots of water

[x] What would you change about yourself: my appearence...


[x] Color: blue

[x] Foods: pizza, ice cream, but not together

[x] Subject in school: IPT or Electronics

[x] Animals: Cats

[x] Sports: Ice Hockey

[x] Movie: Boondock Saints

----------HAVE YOU EVER-----------

[x] Given anyone a bath: no

[x] Smoked: at some point

[x] Made yourself throw-up: no

[x] Skinny dipped: ...

[x] Been in love: yeah

--------------LAST PERSON---------

[x] Imed: my mother i think

[x] Last person who slept at your house: *shrugs*

[x] Last persons house you slept at: outside my family? in that case probably Erin or the other Erin and Chris

[x] you touched?: hmm... whoever i hugged last before leaving DM... either Tarla or Mel

[x] you talked to?: my father

[x] you hugged?: either Tarla or Mel

[x] you kissed?: ...

[x] you yelled at? i don't really yell

[x] you thought about?: hmm...... i don't know my mind is all blank

[x] who text messaged you?: Julez

[x] who broke your heart?: ...

[x] who told you they loved you?: hahaha i don't think anyone ever really has seriously


[x] In the morning I am: tired

[x] Love is: surprisingly complicated but worth every bit of it
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