Name: dornentanz
Real Name: Matt
Web Page: none
Other websites/newsgroups/forums you frequent: none really
Length of time on the 'net: *shrugs* 5 or 6 years
Length of time as a net.goth: i'm not one, just a computer nut
Place of residence: Werrington
But I'd rather live in: sydney
Chromosomal makeup: yeah i'm a guy
Age: 19
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 84 kg
Hair for this week: brownish kinda
Natural hair colour: blonde
Eyes: blue
Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Other: tattoo on my right arm and scars hmm my side and the side of my head
Preferred Clothing: black pants, black or white shirt, big boots and my jacket
Your favourite "caught in the act" clothes: huh?
The daggiest thing I ever wore was: a giant chicken suit
Occupation: nothing
But I'd really like to be: doing anything with computers
When I was ten I wanted to be: whatever it was i don't remember
Number of people on your friends list with whom you've been "intimate" with (snog & upwards): 1 possibly 2
Availability status: not
Sexual preference: am completely straight
Religion: pfft. don't believe in that crap
Pets: none
Your worst habit: asking to many questions
Perky/mopey/neither: neither
Goth/Punk/Other: um... i don't really fit in to any category quite right, doing so takes more effort then i'm willing to put into being a person
I would describe my dancing style as: none, i dont dance
Most of your money gets spent on: food probably
Dietary classification: as long as it looks good i'll eat it
Liver: Is probably acting very liverish at the moment?
Hobbies: hobbies?
Love Song: *shrugs*
Dance-like-a-maniac song:
Pub: The Embassy
Club: Die Maschine
Book: Night Feast by Tony Richards
Author/poet: eh
TV show: Becker, Seinfeld, Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama
Actor/Actress: eh
Movie: Boondock Saints
Artist/Artwork: not that interested really
Animal: cats
Food: pizza and chocolate milk, yes i substitute chocolate milk for food
Drink: Vodka or coke
Texture: *shrugs*
Place to go: anywhere can be fun really
Way to go: train
Addictions: Coke, the drinking kind
What got you into this whole "goth" thing anyway? not really into the goth thing the music all started with the mortal kombat soundtrack when i was about 10 though
What do you wear to bed? *shrugs* whatever seems good at the time?
Do you decapitate Jelly Babies and Teddy Bear biscuits before progressing to other body parts? um... no not really
If we made "sydneygoths The Movie" who would play you? who cares
If one thing could suddenly appear on your desk / fall on your lap, what would it be? pizza and coke, or failing that enough money that i could go buy them
What is your greatest fear? um... drowning maybe tis pretty much the only thing that scares me
Your last five holidays were where? *shrugs*
Which non Johonen Vasquez cartoon character are you? none, those cartoons are also way overrated
If someone's hitting on you, what's guaranteed to work? depends on the person really
Can you keep a secret? sure
Who or what is your least favourite thing in the whole world? people in general suck pretty badly
What gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside? hmm... good question
Would you take the red pill or the blue pill? neither, although i wouldn't mind that glass of water anyway
If you could choose to have any ONE superpower, what would that be? invincibility of course
Would you prefer eternal life or eternal happiness? life, can life without the cnstant happiness i think
Aside from an internet connection, what do you feel is a necessity? is an internet connection? um, nothing is really neccisary, it's all a matter of want
What's your mobile phone ring? VNV Nation - Electronaut
Warm weather or cold weather? cold