yoinked from yar_daft_willie, i'm bored

Aug 25, 2005 15:16

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
What would the minions of x_nix_x's army look like?grasshoppers... grasshoppers of d00m!What does rissaxthexraven think of America's involvement in Iraq?good question... shame i don't care =PWhy would godlike_doglike go to heaven but onojseivad go to hell?cause godlike_doglike got in and booked his ticket months in advanceDid yar_daft_willie steal the cookie from the cookie jar?yes and the jar said if it isn't returned all will face it's terrible wrath... WRATH!Who would win in a fight between deo_adiuvante and carneeki?which ever one brings the axeAfter a cataclysmic war, whom would you pair with nevereyes to repopulate the Earth?lol... can i pair her with myself? *ponders*Have you ever suspected spiramentum of being a lifelike robot?no... although it would explain the constant beepingWhat would happen if krazylucrezia and notosa went on a date together?probably sit there and think WTF happened there?What animal does ghidorah242 most remind you of?a goat maybeWhat does arradius spend the most time doing?licking stamps for letters to be posted to santa clause
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

Do you feel enlightened now?
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