Sep 01, 2010 21:19
Title: Reality Check(Prompt: Potion)
Words: 100
Rating: G
Other characters/pairings: Harry/Ginny
Harry saw Ginny tying a scroll of parchment to the owl's leg.
"Finished your assignment?"
"Yeah, made the deadline too!" grinned Ginny.
Harry put his arms around her.
"You must write something else apart from your column," said Harry.
"Like what?"
"I don't know, anything you wish," said Harry.
"But I'm a sports writer, Harry."
"Run with your imagination and you'll come up with something."
Ginny looked into his eyes.
"Let me think about it."
"But, right now I want to check if reality comes close to my imagination," said Harry as he picked her up and walked towards their bedroom.