Title: Birthday Gift(Prompt: Forget)
Words: 100
Other characters/pairings: Harry/Ginny
Author's Notes: This one probably might be AU because my Harry here is slightly demanding. I always believed Ginny would wait for Harry to turn things around, since he broke up with her. Just let me know what you think.
Harry saw Ginny walking towards the broom shed on the morning of his eighteenth birthday.
He followed her, and leaned on the door frame of the shed as she was placing her broom.
“Today is my birthday. Did you forget it?” asked Harry.
“I remember, happy birthday,” said Ginny, turning around.
“Where’s my gift? I didn’t find anything from you,” said Harry.
Ginny stared at him. “What do you want?”
“The same thing as last year, only, nobody interrupts us this time.”
He kissed her and Ginny responded equally.
He pulled back. “I want the same birthday present every year!”