I don’t know if anyone on my flist works in a hospital other than Puckdoc, but if you do, may many blessings shower down on you for all you days.
I’ve spent twelve hours a day for five weeks with health care workers in two hospitals. The first six days in critical care, the next four weeks in a rehab type hospital. I cannot really understand the caregiver person not being one myself, but they are so very special I wish I knew just how to let them all know just how great they were other then just saying thank you.
My husband has a rare disease that causes other problems and in this case a bladder infection put him down big time. As a result, he was rushed to the critical care unit of Sharp Hospital where nurses work 12-hour shifts and do so with compassion and care and expertise. He is deaf and almost blind so he cannot be left alone, so either I or my daughter need to be with him at all times to interpret his needs to others. These nurses were so wonderful it would require more talent with words then I have to describe all they did for us those six really scary days. Doctors I have nothing to say about.
It appears the way it’s done these days is to move the patient out of the regular hospital as soon as possible and into a rehab type hospital. He’s been in one for five weeks and what a wonderful set up it is. Twenty-four hour care, PT twice a day, three balanced meals and a staff that not only takes care of his every need but also treats him with grace, professionalism and dignity.
He comes home on the 28th and I am a bit anxious. He can kinda walk and kinda take care of personal things but for the first time in all the years he’s had this disease there are questions about really how much he’s going to be able to do alone and if I will soon be the primary care giver. To have a daily home care worker would be wonderful but insurance does cover caregivers unless there is medical need. Helping one shower and get to the bathroom is not medical.
So, I’ve missed the internet all these weeks, I’ve missed the happenings in all your lives, I’ve missed the postings of that wonderful group of ladies and a guy or two you know who you are, and I’m moving into another phase of life I’m not sure I want to enter. I’ve always said you have to play the hand your dealt, but I’m starting to wish I could have a re-deal.a
Enough complaining. I have downloaded many fics to my player so I’ve kept up on some of the stories. Great job Jane. Mostly I read Brokeback now and one in particular has me hooked…A Widower for One Year Plus that’s amazing.
I miss you all and hope you are all well. When we are home, I’ll once again hover about your journals, reading about your schoolwork and jobs and that will be good. I’ll also catch up on Quinn’s daily adventures with the boys.