i wish things would be better
i wish we could get over our past
i wish liars would go whereat they belong
i wish i had all my old friends as well as all the new ones
i wish that people could get over themselves
i wish people would just grow up
i wish.......
how about that stuff. it's like everytime theres any holiday, u have to eat that sort of food for like 3 weeks, im sick of it. today is monday, can't wait until fri. it's another weekend, yah.
is life just? lost friends. drained life. Sometimes some people can just ruin someone by lies. Let me ask u something, could u lie and live with yourself-- knowing that your every intention is to take someone down with you. It's like so much is built up that you don't if u can take much more. Life is not fair. No one said it was. U just need a
ther's this one cutie that's got my attention. She's beautiful and smart (sometimes)with a great personality. She lights up my dreary day. Baby i'm glad your you.