Christmas update

Jan 02, 2008 11:00

We survived another whirlwind tour of S. Georgia and South Carolina!
Twas fun and hectic, description below, cut for those who could or couldnt care less.

We headed down to Hilton head on Saturday night, so as to let The Boy sleep in the car as much as possible for the 5 hour trip. Got in at midnight..
Sunday we went shopping (I needed new pants - Bought 3 pairs of cords and 2 pairs of jeans - They were several sizes smaller than the ones I bought at xmas last year - yay me!) then went to the bars for football and lunch with the dad and the brother. That night we went to Old Fort Pub with Laird/Kim and Catherine. Fun to spend time with D's bro & sis and the food was yummy.
Monday was Christmas Eve day, and I don't remember what we did...but dinner was a fabulous beef tenderloin that David as usual cooked to perfection. Nice family evening, opened gifts and such, and the Boy got to play with baby cousin Evelyn.
Xmas morning, after the Boy got some Santa gifts we headed over to Savannah for Xmas lunch at D's aunt's. Unfortunately Boy did not nap in the car, so he basically skipped his nap for the day, and was hell on wheels for the rest of it.
Xmas night at Kay's--after the Boy was in bed we went to see Sweeney Todd, which I highly recommend. The next day was just laid back, we went and saw where they are thinking of building a new house, lunch at Carey Hilliards (which I have decided is really not good at all these days), then over to my parents in the evening.

My mom wanted us there by 6:00 for dinner and we made it with an hour to spare. My Great Aunt was there, and she wanted to see the boy. The Boy got more loot, including (from the Aunt) this freaky wooden doll which is apparently a collectible of some sort, but it looks like it should be possessed in a scary movie. Will post a pic when we get it back, as it got left at the parents house.
The next night (I think) we did redneck date night again, and went to see I Am Legend, which was also very good.
Stayed at my parents' til Friday noon, then left the Boy with them and headed back to Atlanta.

Interesting loot:
New chairs for our bedroom
Some cool huge lizards for the wall in the sunroom
A morter/pestal like thing for making homemade salsa

Movie Reviews:
We've seen several in the last few months, all of which were good.
At thanksgiving we saw Enchanted which I recommend highly, me and D both liked alot. (This was the first Redneck Date Night) Funny, not predictable, good characters. Poking fun at and appreciating the sillyness of fairytales.

Christmas Movie 1: Sweeney Todd Excellent. A perfect mix of not quite horror, not quite musical, not quite comedy, not quite greek tragedy. We loved the feel--beautiful as you'd expect from Burton, Depp was predictably awesome, Bonham-Carter was very funny--the best scenes are with her. I haven't seen the broadway play to know how it compares, but it translated to screen very well. My only dislike was the overly CGI blood in the title sequence, I found it distracting.

Christmas Movie 2: I Am Legend Very Good. Will Smith does an excellent job carrying this one, the dog is great too. Ignore a few gaping plotholes which may not mess up your enjoyment of the film at the time, but will make you wonder when you're discussing the movie later on. There are a few things I didnt like, but they would be spoilers, so I'll just say they kept it from being a really great film, but it's still well worth seeing and alot of fun.
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