slayergurl121 For each of your fandoms, name:
1. Characters you absolutely worship
2. Characters you like
3. Characters you could take or leave
4. Characters you don't really care for
5. Characters you'd like to spork
OMFG SO FUN. I'm so opinionated about these things. It's nuts.
1. Spike (You can't not.)
2. Buffy
3. Willow (Mostly S7)
4. Faith (*hides*)
5. Kennedy
1. Gunn, Fred, Angel, Wes, Doyle, Connor! (Hee! Okay, like all of them.)
2. Cordelia (As long as there is NO C/Aness about her. Because grooooossss) and Groo and Lilah.
3. Holtz (I named everyone else!)
4. No one. Sadly, I love all of them.
5. EXCEPT GAVIN. (*stabs*)
Gilmore Girls:
1. Rory, Jess, Lorelei, Luke (I'm resisting naming the entire cast)
2. Dean!
3. Logan (Although... cute!)
4. Richard
5. Emily (She thinks Luke's not good enought for Lorelei?! Has she MET Luke?)
The OC:
1. Summer, Ryan (LOVE!)
2. Seth, Marissa
3. Lindsay
4. Whatshername? The aunt.
5. Caleb. DJ!
Dawson's Creek:
1. Pacey, Joey, Dawson
2. Jack
3. Jen
4. Gale
5. Basically anyone besides Dawson who has every challenged the P/J relationship.
1. Ephram, Amy (I do. That's the way to describe it. I worship them.)
2. Bright, Delia
3. Hannah, Dr. Brown
4. Nina
5. Mrs. Abbot. (*die*)
1. Inara, Mal
2. Kaylee, Jayne, Summer, Simon
3. Preacher
That 70s Show:
1. Jackie and Hyde (Shocker)
2. Eric, Donna
3. Kelso
4. Bob
5. Fez
I just went down the fandoms in my icon list, because I kept forgetting.
* I just watched some AtS S3 Fred/Gunn, because it makes me so happy. They are adorable. Pure and simple. *points to icon*