I'm commenting on The OC as it happens. Because I totally love this show.
- Zach is perfect!
- Oh, I had forgotten about Alex. Riiiiiight.
- Studious!Ryan
- "Actually, she's so young, she's more like your sister." BWAHA!
After first commercial:
- Gross DJ. He's weird!
- Aw, Zach gave Seth a christmas card! That is the most gosh darn adorable thing ever. Uh oh. Old girlfriend. He feels bad, I can't hate him for kissing someone else. Heh. Divorces, etc. FunNAY.
- I just don't see the Ryan/Lindsay thing at all. There's NO chemistry. I'm sorry. I want to like her.
- Julie/Jimmy! I heart them. They're my divorced OTP. Totally. Poor Jimmy. He's conflicted.
- Aw, Kirsten.
- AH! DJ's silly. Ha! Marissa's SHOCKED and HURT face at seeing her parents making our on the boat! Oh, how I missed thee.
- Seth/Alex is SO WRONG. SO WRONG. He wants to make her a sandwich! You don't say no to a Cohen sandwich. I wouldn't say no.
- "Maybe you should go and shuck them yourself, you old man!"
- SHOCKED and HURT and ANGST Marissa! Hah. Sorry, I just like it. She looks good today, huh? She's so pretty.
After second commercial:
- HAHAHA Wife beater! Seth's so sexy. Wrist cuff! Choker!
- Ryan has to realize there's NO CHEMISTRY with Lindsay. He HAS to. Like a sister!
- "I'm in love with my ex-wife." (Jimmy) "You were married before Julie?" (Sandy) HAH!
- Nooooooo doooooonnnnnnttt llllllleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaavvvvvvvvveeeeeeee JJJJJJIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYY!
- Aw! Kirsten is so upset about Jimmy! Ah! A little too upset? Hum.
- OH no I missed something! My cat was making noise! Damn.
After third commercial:
- Nooo Jimmmmmmmyyyy dddddddoooonnnnnnntttttt lllllleeeeeeeeeaaaaaavvvvvvvveeeeee.
- Poor Marissa. *cries* 6 months? He'll be back. Right?!? She's so silly. *hearts her*
- COHEN robe!
- He hit him with asprin!
- I don't understand Kirsten's outfit at this party.
- I'm really, really, really going to miss Jimmy.
- Uh oh, Cal wants to find Julie? Not a good sign.
- Aw. Jules.
- Oh god. Marissa. Fuck. She tells DJ to get away from her mom by saying, "Before she tries to sleep with you next." HAH.
- Drama! Yikes. I love this show.
After fourth commercial:
- Aw, Kirsten/Jimmy. That's all I have to say. Aw.
- HAHAHAH. Seth stole Cal's car. That is the funniest thing ever. Bundt cake!
- Zach. He was sitting. On the pillows. Vibrating. Okay. Look. He's adorable, but he's no Cohen. I'd take him though.
- I wish/hope that the Ryan/Lindsay kiss is weird, even though I know it's not going to be.
- It wasn't. Damn them.
- Ryan's so hot. SO hot.
- DJ's such a doormat. It's silly.
- I wish Jimmy was my Daddy. Will you please be my Daddy, Jimmy?
- Ryan/Marissa MOMENT! Probably my favorite thing of the episode except....
Summer: "Your breath smells like MARISSA!" *dies of laughter*
Teaser for NEXT WEEK!
- Bribe from Julie! Alex! Sex! Shit!