Finally done for the fandom rants. Please read and comment! I worked hard. And like... none of them are 100 words. I have a lot to say.
Jackie/Hyde! My newest ‘ship. Except, maybe Gabrielle and John from Desperate Housewives. Not the point. Okay, Jackie and Hyde make me so unbelievably happy, that I don’t remember squeeing like this since Luke and Lorelei kissed last season on Gilmore Girls. I really started watching That ‘70s Show over this past summer, where I worked my ass off, and the constant airings of repeats of T7S were one of the only times of solace I found. I didn’t even know Jackie and Hyde got together for the longest time. I always thought of her with Kelso. Now, I know that was the most off base ‘ship of all time. The episode that changed it for me, hands down, was “Do You Think It’s Alright?” which, the first time I saw it, I only caught the last 15ish minutes. But, I caught the “You’re beautiful” when Jackie’s in the wedding dress. *melts* Seriously. The fact that someone like Hyde, someone so tough and hilarious and sarcastic can have a weakness like being in love with Jackie warms my little heart. They make me so happy. There’s no other ‘ship like them.
Mal and Inara. Okay. Talk about angst. These guys are runners up ONLY to Buffy and her fun vampire romances, because this love is so full of heartbreak that there’s no way I could NOT love them to pieces. PIECES. From the first time he touched her shoulder in the pilot (!) to when she told him he was leaving, I was emotionally tied to those two characters in a quicker time than I ever had become obsessed before. There was not one moment I didn’t treasure, and I firmly believe that Inara’s crying scene remains one of the most realistic and heartbreakingly devastating scenes ever shown on television. I cried with her. They are so freakin’ in love. The fact that it was all undertones and small comments make it even more special. It was snarky and loving all at the same time. The deep, deep sympathy I have in my heart for Inara runs so very deep.
Cordy and Connor! Okay. The first time I saw it, my reaction TOTALLY was…. “AH! MY EYES! MY EYYYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSS!” Because you know… gross. But then, the second time I saw the “Rain of Fire”, scene, I basically laughed heartily, thinking all the while, “Ahhh… at least she’s not sleeping with Angel” which in my world, would be so much worse. And I also have to say, I love Connor to pieces, which we all know, but there’s also no one I hate more than S4 Cordelia. SO it’s a tossup. I know she’s all evil or whatnot and it shouldn’t be her fault, but I still blame her. Don’t you just want to scream, “SIX WEEKS AGO YOU WERE HIS SURROGATE MOTHER!!!!” really loudly to the TV like it makes a difference. There’s a reason why I own Angel S1, S2, and S3, but no S4.
Yeah. Ephram and Amy. Ya’ll aren’t sick of how much I love them?! I seriously wear down the exclamation points whenever I ramble on and on about the love. THE LOVE. I think that Ephram and Amy’s love can be discussed and defined by my hatred of Madison. Reasons that Madison and Ephram were so wrong. 1. Madison took Ephram’s sweetness, his overwhelming self doubt for granted, using him to make her feel more attractive and desirable. Amy does not do that. Amy and Ephram know that their relationship is special because they’re equals. They see as much in each other as the other one does. 2. Madison did not believe in their relationship (because it was gross and so bad). Amy and Ephram have been waiting for this, because they know it’s right. There are actually two quotes from other fandoms that I think describe Ephram and Amy’s relationship perfectly.
“…There’s only one thing I’ve ever been sure of. You.” And…“When I was afraid of everything, I was never afraid to love you.” Yay. I love them they make me happy.
Seth and Summer! Duh. I was the ONLY one of my friends in RL to like (/love) her. All of them wanted Anna to win. I knew. I think it’s because I protested The OC for so long, that when I finally realized how completely fabulous and squeeworthy it is, I feel in love with Seth/Summer. Maybe it’s the underdog getting the girl thing that melts my little fangirly heart too. Plus, they’re both so pretty. And I am creepy enough to ‘ship them in RL too. I don’t deny it. Anyway. His overwhelming devotion to her, and her reluctant love for him is so endearing to the couple. It’s true that him and Anna didn’t work out because they were too alike. However, Seth did have a spark with her. The thing about Seth and Summer is that on paper, they're so perfect, but sometimes, you HAVE to admit their relationship is a bit unrealistic. I do love them. You know, I do believe that the show isn’t the show without them and their obvious banter. They can’t stay away from eachother though. They have the chemistry, and I firmly believe they’re meant to be together. Because they are so in love.
BRIGHTANDHANNAHARELOVEFOREVERANDEVER. OMG. Okay. Let’s see. Anyone who read my huge Everwood SQUEE post the other day knows how much I love these two. First off, he called her “Lil’ Lady” LOVE. Seriously. Okay. At the beginning of the season, I didn’t really have the Hannah love I have now. I thought the Bright/Hannah thing was so silly and unbelievable. But I obviously love the big teddy bear that is Bright, so I let it slide. Except then I saw Hannah develop as a character. As a believable high school shy girl who my heart and soul belongs to because I happen to relate to her. She’s sarcastic and witty, and exactly what Bright needs. I’m still not even sure if they are going to get together, because I truly can’t picture them together, but this fact does not make me love her any less. Her “surprisingly shallow” crush seems so realistic, which is a HUGE reason why I love Everwood.
OMG! Dean/Lorelei IS SO TOTALLY CANON. Okay, maybe not, but I have secretly always ‘shipped them. It’s so weird, but I saw some fanlisting or something once, (I just googled it and got nothing) and it planted the Dean/Lorelei seed in my head. Okay. Seriously. No one can honestly tell me that Dean didn’t have some Mom fantasies about Lorelei. They were so in love. Their little chats? Movie nights? The flirting? The sex? Okay, fine, but I saw it. They chatted and had cutesy things! And jokes! And he soooo wanted her. I’m so mature.
I guess it’s time for Buffy and Angel. Buffy and Angel are completely and totally in love, and always will be. It’s that simple. I love Spike and am a huge Spuffy ‘shipper, but I know that Buffy and Angel will always be together. They were my first real, solid fandom ‘ship, and I treasure their moments together. I refuse to watch both “Surprise” and “Innocence” because they damage me mentally for days afterward. Even though I’ve seen both those episodes eight million times. I cry like a tiny, tiny baby during Becoming, and feel my heart break in Lover’s Walk, as she tells him she can’t pretend with him anymore. I pet my TV in The Wish, because he knows her, even in another world. I always, always cry at the end of Enemies, because he calls her his girl. HIS GIRL. And then he leaves. And I cry. There are lots of tears just all the time. But he makes her ridiculously honest with herself and content, which is the strange part. I think that I Will Remember You is the most beautiful episode of anything ever aired on television. I do. When I didn’t know anything about fandom, I was still completely in love with these guys. I miss them.
Hmm. Cordy and Angel. Angel and Cordy. I used to be 100% anti-C/A. All the way. With the gross and the bad and the ew. And then I saw ‘You’re Welcome’ which I think is one of the most perfect episodes. One of them. Anyway. I hate late season three and season 4 “we were in love” nonsense. Always have. I cover my eyes and ears and sing really loudly about how gross it is and how wrong and totally unbelievable. The only girl for Angel is Buffy. Always will be. People tend to forget how well Buffy and him fit together. However, Angel’s a different person in his show. Not different enough to ever love Cordelia, truly, but different. So here it is. I’m a Cordy/Angel FRIENDSHIP ‘shipper. So true. I think they’re abso-fricken-lutely perfect together as friends. As some commentary somewhere said, AtS needed a person with a huge smile to shake up Angel’s brooding. She was perfect for him in that sense. But… “were we in love…?” GROSS.
Pacey and Joey. Are there even anti- P/J people alive? Is that possible?! Oh. Actually it is. My friend once said, “Why do you love Pacey so much? He screws up every relationship he’s in!” Please don’t hate her. She doesn’t know any better. Pacey and Joey are… they’re just… everything about them makes me believe in the goodness of people. The fact that they believe in each other, and what they have, and still never lose each other, and are always on the same page, is actually inspiring. Even the fact that someone could write two characters that came together so perfectly is phenomenal. The quotable quotes, the friendship, the banter, everything about them makes them unique and happy and what we should all strive for. Ending up with our best friend. Someone you can trust more than anyone in the world.
Jake and Peyton! Okay, in all truth, I don’t know so much about them. I’m not a regular OTH watcher, I usually go through phases of watching and not watching, but if Jake’s going to stay, I’ll probably turn to watching more often than not. I’ve always liked Peyton the best, and so when she wanted to be with Chad, I accepted that. I still even ‘ship them on a small level. But Jake was always the perfect one, with his humor, and his sensitivity, that you can’t not respect (fictional. They’re FICTIONAL) Peyton for her choice. I mean. Come ON. From my lack of episodes seen, I wasn’t sure if he was romantically interested in her on the episode the week before last, but their conversation in her room makes me melt in all my fangirly glory. “And… I’ve been thinking that, if I can get all that… from some words on a piece of paper… just imagine what it would be like to have the real thing every day.” AW. I’m excited to see what’s going to happen to these two.
Spike. And Buffy. This is perfect, because I just watched ‘Smashed’ this morning. So… GUH. First off, on an incredibly shallow level, they’re hot. Hee. It’s so true. Lets see. I ‘ship Buffy and Spike more than any other couple. It’s sad, but I do. I’ve said it before, but I’m a 100% Buffy/Angel ‘shipper, but 100.0001% Spuffy. I love them. Their unbelievable progression through the years, and their lives (Like sands through the hourglass… hah) fascinates me. People can argue that he never really loved her, and that he can’t love her without a soul, or that ‘OmFG!W@!! he triedto!1rape! her!” and that may be all fine and dandy, but that’s not who he is. Sure, I do believe he loved her without his soul and with it, but I also know that he can’t be accountable for what he does without his soul. If you hold the rape thing against S7 Spike, than you better hold every awful thing Angelus ever did against Angel too. He does love her. It’s unexplainable and odd, but that doesn’t make it any less pure. I mean, watch Touched. Or Fool for Love. Or Chosen. Or Crush. Okay, I know I didn’t say much, but I could write a small book on them, so I’ll let you go.
Xander/Cordelia. Hee… I have a feeling that the person who requested this one wanted me to bash… but I can’t. I love them. As much as I like Anya, I think Xander was silly to let Cordelia go. I know that he never felt it, but her surprising commitment to him showed us how invested in him Cordy truly was. I mean, it DOESN’T break your heart in BB&B when she goes behind her locker to take off the necklace?!?! I mean, I love their lines together. “You can watch MY back” and “How’s my hair?” and “I understand if you want to see other fish…” and “No matter how lame he is!” I LOVE that scene, when Cordelia tells off Harmony. How god damn happy is that? And OF COURSE my favorite C/X moment is in The Prom, with that “Yes, thank you.” And the “It looks good on you” and the “Duh!” Because! Ah! I love them. They’re so fun and quirky and silly.
Lorelei and Luke! Would everyone throw meats in various states of decay if I said that I’m not entirely pleased with their relationship this season? Don’t get me wrong I get a happy every time I see her wearing his flannel, I do. But… I feel like Lorelei doesn’t appreciate him… which could breakdown their bond. Their banter is unlike any other, even different than P/J. They’re the original meant-for-eachother couple in fandom, don’t you think? Everything I could say about these guys has been said 18,000 times.
Ryan and Lindsay. Two words. SO BORING. Okay, I don’t hate her with the passion of a thousand suns, but I can’t stand them together. Ryan needs someone who can challenge him, who he can take care of. He needs someone who isn’t so self-doubting and whiny. Look, I’m not even saying that Marissa’s right for him, although I love that ‘ship, and I’m not ruling out Theresa either, but I know that Lindsay is not right for our Ryan. He’s independent and tough, and needs a person who is as mature as he is. Their conversations are forced and shallow… I can’t imagine them talking about anything even resembling something important. Boy, I hate that.
Jackie and Kelso. I would only do this for you. They’re cute. You know, vapid and shallow, but cute. They’re right for some fun cuteness. Jackie’s all Hee-I’m-Cute-And-Can-Order-Ashton around, and Ashton’s just plain old pretty. There’s something endearing about their little lovefest. They’re so quirky and hilarious, because she really CAN tell him what to do. You do have to love the scene in “The Keg” episode, where she’s all short with the big hair and the pool, and her feet aren’t touching the ground!? Yeah, I don’t know what to say about these guys. Sorry, it’s just against what I believe in.
Rory and Jess! He is sooo perfect for her. Now that he’s (sort of) worked through all those emotional commitment issues, he could not be better for someone like Rory. Rory needs a guy who can challenge her, keep her on her toes, and be her intellectual equal. Jess is that guy. Dean, although sweet, never did that for her. Jess is quirky, surprising and witty. Plus, he’s different that Rory, preventing her from getting bored. HE LOOKED UP HOW FAR AWAY YALE WAS. Seriously. What else could have changed Jess so radically, if not Rory? The time he’s spent away has actually been beneficial, because he knows what he wants now. He’s not running from anything.
Rory and Dean! Aw! Cute love. I am NOT a Dean hater, and never will be. Even with my Jess ‘shippin’ ways, I don’t hate Dean. He’s a good guy. And god, does he love Rory. I think that the most heartbreaking thing EVER in Gilmore Girls was the night before his wedding, Dean asking Luke, “Why didn’t she love me?” That breaks my little heart. There’s no way that Dean would ever hurt her like Jess did. No way. And this season, he was right to leave her at her grandparents. He was out of place. BREAKS MY HEART. HE LOVES HER. AND DEFENDS HER HONOR SOMETIMES! Arrrrrrghjdf. Angst.
Andy and Nina! Okay, Truthfully, I like Andy Brown, but he’s such an ass. He’s so stupid for a brain surgeon. Admit it. And I didn’t even like Nina until this year, when she grew a personality. And yes, I’ll be rooting for them to get together in the end, but for now, I’m a little bit with the ‘shipping of Nina/Jake. But to concentrate on what was requested, I think that Andy and Nina balance each other out. He’s an idiot and she knows it. It all works out. They’re cute though, with cookies and laundry and stuff. It’s nice. She’s the friend that he needs.
Xander and Willow… Hmm. Tricky. I completely ‘ship their friendship. I really do. I love her crush on him throughout the first two seasons-ish, although their affair upsets me through S3. But they are adorable, and I love that they love each other through everything. Hello… yellow crayon? Okay, I know it was cliché and everything, saved the world with love, but you can’t tell me you can watch Grave without getting the chills. You just can’t! They have a devotion to each other that runs deep, but it’s also because there’s no romantic entanglement. It’s a beautiful thing. Seriously, they are the one mildly healthy relationship on the show. It stays strong and normal. Realistic, really. It’s a wonderful thing.
Corey and Topanga. Probably my first OTP. Undoubtedly. No! Not true. Corey/Shawn is the real love story there. But not what was requested of me. I cry when I see the episode “Starry Night” with the reconciliation on the jungle gym?! I’ve seen it 80,000 times. But, there was never any doubt that they’d end up together, and that seemed comforting in a way. OH! And when she showed up at his door in the pouring rain?! I smiled to wide that tears were in my eyes. Again. They’re friends, and they belong together. I just keep thinking about episodes. There are too many to count. They’ve been in love forever. And with help from their quirky pals, they’re going to make it.