But! No!
Why are there no happy episodes anymore? Of... any show? WHY?
- I felt so sorry for Seth it's beyond words. BEYOND WORDS. I have this unmistakable pang for old school Seth/Summer. I know you believe in them too. Because... they're fo' real.
- LOVELOVEDLOVED Ryan's red shirt at the beginning. Can you believe once upon a time I didn't like him?
- Sandy Cohen. I threw pillows at the screen.
- Heart Kirsten.
- This is the first episode where I wanted to slap Zach silly. Could he have been moer of an ass? Okay, look, you said you'd accepted it. So snapping at Seth? DOESN'T SEEM SO ACCEPTING.
- Ryan and Seth are in love sekkritly.
- The seething hate for Lindsay and her melodrama has only increased.
- Die bitch DIE! (Talking to Rebecca here.)
- Oh, I thought Marissa and Alex were cute. Tides changing... little cheesy, but out of all the drama tonight, I could use a little more cheese.
- I'm still a Ryan/Marissa 'shipper though. I have faith for the end.
- When's Theresa coming back exactly?
- OMG TEASER FOR NEXT WEEK! Lindsay can't take the paternity test? HMM. Boy, I dislike Lindsay's mom. Um. ARGGGGed,vnsd,,fa.
- *sobs*