Umpteenth review of Battlestar Galactica which praises it by bashing the science fiction television show inherently as a format. Battlestar Galactica isn't like those OTHER science fiction shows. It's okay to watch BSG, you're hip, you're cool, if you watch BSG. Those other shows are just for geeks.
This is really getting old. Battlestar Galactica
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Reason #946 Why I Want To Be A Famous Actress: So I can say in a BTS interview, "I'm not going to say 'I wanted to do this project because it's sci-fi but it's about PEOPLE.' That's because sci-fi has ALWAYS been about people, which is why you get people saying that for EVERY movie. Just to set the record straight."
You know, I'm a big fan of literary fiction, and I read the short fiction in the New Yorker regularly. And some of it is amazing, and some of it is "oh, that again, how tedious." Oddly enough, just exactly like my experience with sf/fantasy.
But the way some critics talk about sf, not just this one but in the other ones I've seen, you'd think that the "ten percent of everything is crap" rule was confined only to sf/fantasy. The New Yorker isn't going to apologize for giving a positive review to a literary novel. Nor do I think a genre publication should apologize for saying that something mainstream is good.
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