Seasonal Spuffy banners, "Enemies with Benefits"

May 31, 2020 23:50

This is the first post with my contributions for this year's Spring round of seasonal_spuffy, which ended last Monday. And an excellent round it was too! So many wonderful and creative contributions. You can find links to all the goodies in this index post.

The theme of the round was "Enemies with Benefits", and I made three banners for this theme to participate in the banner poll. They didn't stand a chance against the competition (so many great banners!), but as always, it was fun to participate.

The first three banners below were the ones I entered for the contest (I only made a very slight improvement to the third one). The last two are variations that I didn't enter.






Credits: the last three banners are based on the "Enemies with benefits" banner idea from justwriter2: "A scene where Buffy and Spike are across from one another, positioned to fight, in School Hard." For textures of the last three banners, I used this great set of wall photos by thenewbuzwuzz. Screenshots used in all banners are by me from the HD Buffy episodes kindly provided by, and the main title font is the 3rd Man font by Bumbayo Font Fabrik.

Finally, something I always forget to mention explicitly: if you'd like to use anything I've made as a fic banner or for other purposes, feel free to do so (with credit). I'll also be happy to personalize any of my stuff for you, so don't hesitate to ask. Note that banner #5 is already taken!

artwork, buffy, spuffy, spike

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