Ok here's the letter i wrote on Sunday with Missy and Amy to try and get someones parents to let me hang out with their kids.
When i put (crossed out) it means in the origonal i tried to cross out the sentance...yeah you'll understand it more when ya read it:
Hey Dude,
Sorry for being a bad...messed up, fucked (crossed out and replaced with bad) up kid...oh shit (crossed out and replaced with crap) I said fuck (crossed out, bad)...oh fuck (crossed out, bad) i said shit (crossed out, crap)
And i'm sorry for drawing cocks (crossed out, penises) on your walls, and raping your dog, mom, and those hamster things. Oh and the next door neighbours dog...and your younger daughter (younger daughter crossed out)...oh crap, you didn't know about that.
So yeah, if i could have your permission (or blessing...'cause you're a Jese lover right?...ignore that if you are...) to chillax with your daughter again, that would be fucking (crossed out, good) cool.
**there's a penis drawn here**
Oh and...that's not a penis...it's a...fruit roll-up.
Beanz want's Chuck's tongue ahaha i'm gonna tell him that..somehow...
alright, flames game tonight...which is making me happy.
Held tightly to my Kipper poster on the bus..surprisingly it made me feel better.
i might post my depression letter later so you can kinda understand what it's like a little better (ok i tried to turn that into a seb quote..but it didnt work...)
oh yeah..one more quote before i go:
*pulls out nail varnis remover from bag*
Aizar: what's that for?
beanz: It's her way to get drunk
me: oh yeah..if i'm pissed off i just pull this out and take a sip...get fucking drunk..it's damn good.
beanz: put it in a paper bag...*makes drinking movements*
aizar: *picks up bottle and smells it*
beanz: what the hell are you doing?
oh yeah..one more:
french teacher: melanie
melanie: me?
beanz: no the melanie behind you...*stares*
haha i've perfected my Beanz stare XP
alright bye
Key Key
((luvs mattie!))