How great of a night out was that! Myself, Karen, my beloved, Suzy and Chloe all went to the Sugar Club for the Rocky Horror Picture Show and it was such a laugh! We brought props and ended up with most of the confetti and rice amongst our persons, LOL!
Anyways, pretty photos of our madness during our night out, which I'm not mad keen on because I think I look all fat and overweight in them. And if anyone replies saying don't be stupid, you're not fat, I don't care. I think I could stand to lose a few pounds (or stones, as the case may be) and I'm the one that counts.
Now, pictures!
Me and Suzy -->
Me and Karen -->
(You look fantastic in this photo, hunni *hugs*)
Me and Chloe -->
I got home all late and feeling hyper. I don't drink, so I can't say I was drunk, but it was the closest I've ever been, and just from the whole party atmosphere there! I danced to Time Warp about 3 times and had confetti fights with Peter and Karen. I also got involved in a water fight with this asshole who was throwing water from a water bottle all over everyone. So, naturally, this other random guy and I ganged up on him and ended up emptying bottles of water all over him and once my bottle was empty I threw it at him. He ended up having to take his top off he was so badly soaked!
So much fun. I'm paying for it now though, because I've lost my voice and my cold has worsened as a result of wearing too little clothing on such a bloody cold and windy night.
And here's a final pic!
Ophelia, the poser: