Sooo... has stolen my life. Which is too bad, 'cause I kinda liked having a life. :] But the good news is I've managed to bring at least five other kids at school down with me. Word.
emma xoxo
PS: (For the VT homegirls) Spring break = March 10-17
So, some of you may recall that teeny-tiny and oh-so-spiffy book of german poetry or whatnot that was purchased on a certain epic trip to Boston. Yeah. So, I've started drawing in it.
Kasabian makes for coincidentally seasonally appropriate subject lines and a lot of adverbs. I'm grumpy... but rice and guava juice is cheering me up nicely. I need to make more art.
So I totally just re-fell in love with The Red Paintings. Yup. Discovered its difficult to pirate obscure music. :/
I'ma go paint sommat, savvy?
emma xoxo
[EDIT] Aaand when I said I was going to go paint something, I really meant I'm going to do my laundry and bum around on the internet for a few hours of life. *suuuuck*
Why do I listen to the same three songs every night? Why does art make me feel guilty? Why do I miss you? . . . Just give me the Rorschach, one last kiss and a cup of tea. Lock me up. Loose the key.