Dear Snow,
Please stop falling right now. If you prevent me from going to see Something Corporate I will be very angry indeed. Thank you.
<3 Jen
Snow is no fun. Except, look at what I did when i got home from Michigan.
Haha. Aw. Except i hate you all. just kidding, kids! Ok so yes, what has happened since my last entry. First off finals happened. I think I studied a total of 3 hours for all my finals combined. It was weird. I only really had to study for 3 finals this year. spanish, ap american, and pre-calc. I mean, you can really study for english and my other two classes are gym and photo. so that was nice. I think I did ok. i'm a little nervous about pre-calc. Blah, whatever.
Alright, so me, margie, and rachel went to Michigan State University this weekend. It was really fun. it just instilled in my mind how ridiculously scared i am of going to college. i'm so excited, but i'm even more scared. i mean, first you have to get accepted which is scary in itself and then you are leaving your home and living in a completely different place where you next to no one. i'm so excited to leave berwyn and get away from my parents and highschool and everything, but its going to hard. and starting to go visit colleges has shown me that. i don't know if i'm going to end up going to msu, but it was a good experience to go there.
Anyways, tonight is something corporate with megan if this damn snow will ever stop. i don't really care. i'm going anyways. damnit!
Who wants to go see motion city soundtrack with me? i will cry if i miss thier concert because i have no one to see them with. and who is up for a 3 hour drive to see fall out boy in urbana? i know i am! woooo! road trip.
speaking of road trips, look who fell asleep on the drive to michigan.
Ah haha! She is going to hate me for putting that in here. And the flash from my camera didn't even wake her up when i took the picture.
Ok i'm done. be safe in the snow. don't get into a car accident. in fact, don't go out unless you have to. or unless you are going sledding. in which case you must call me because i love sledding. <3 always, Jen