This years Penny Arcade Expo is having a 1 vs 1 D&D tournament. Basically, everyone makes a level 20 character and then tries to fight to the top. I plan on going to the Expo this year, so I'll be brainstorming ideas for both me and my friends. Anyone have any suggestions?
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Comments 4
Since they are not useing the ebberon book, you do not have access to the artificer(my favorite and possibly best class).
How ever create what ever kind of character you want but allow me to assist with the items equiped to that character.
In the back of the DMG book there is a section on creating new items with the abilities that you want with the exact prices of how you want it to work.
My legitimate items are everything you need to have your happy lill minchkin character take down anything it want.
I haven't yet seen the Ebberon book. What does an Artificer do?
I'm still working up some characters with my friends. I'll post what we come up with when they're ready.
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