OOC: Permissions+Regains

Feb 23, 2014 12:22

OOC stuff

Backtagging: Yes please.
Threadhopping: I don't mind, so long as it's IC for the character.
Canon-puncturing: He's taken from November, so no endgame spoilers please. Otherwise, he'll only be mildly shocked at worst, so go ahead and 4th-wall him. Now that he's spoiler'd, 4th-walling is okay now.
Offensive subjects: Anything goes.

IC stuff

Hugging this character: Sure! He'll appreciate it. Though if you're not close he'll be kind of "Um, okay?" (more so if you're a guy).
Kissing this character: Again feel free. But unless you're a girl and close, his reaction will be (unsure).
Flirting with this character: If you're a girl, he'll flirt back. Guys...eh.
Punching this character: He'll punch back.
Fighting with this character: Of course! He's a JRPG hero, so he's surprisingly tough for such a wirey-looking teen.
Torturing/Injuring this character: Discuss it with me first.
Killing this character: See above.
Sex/Rape?: Yes to sex. No to rape.

Using telepathy or mind-reading abilities on this character: Sure. Though his normal thoughts are simple like "I'm sleepy". Also once he starts regaining his Personas you may find his mind becoming very crowded.
Relationships: Minato's a pimp social introvert. Quiet, but definitely not shy.
Anything that shouldn’t be mentioned near this character?: Other than the above-mentioned spoilers, none. Minato's cool with anything.

*NOTE: Persona list subject to change.*
-Persona (includes Wild Card and Social Links)
   -Orpheus (Fool lv 6) (regained, but traded for Scathach)
   -Narcissus (Lovers lv 26)
   -Orobas (Magician lv 41)
   -Surt (Magician lv 58)
   -Atropos (Fortune lv 60)
   -Odin (Emperor lv 62) 
   -Raphael (Lovers lv 65)
   -Melchizedek (Justice lv 64)
   -Arahabaki (Hermit lv 64)
   -Lilith (Devil lv 64)
   -Scathach (Priestess lv 68)
   -Thanatos (Death lv 68) 
   -One-handed Sword (Persona-fused)
-School uniform
-Summer garb
-Winter garb
-Velvet Key
-Leather Choker
-MP3 player w/Headphones
-Cheap Lighter
-Persimmon Fruit
-Sports tape
-Cell phone w/Screenshot Data
-Kids' letter

regains, ooc, permissions

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