23rd Persona

Jan 01, 2012 11:56


Did anyone else hear the radio last night?


[And a much belated Christmas presents listing for Minato:

Stockings - Jack Frost Doll, 3x Snuff Souls, 1x Chewing Soul, 1x Traesto
Santa present - Winter clothes
Event present - School Uniform

Elizabeth: for their Christmas date, Minato got Liz a 1950s wristwatch. His real gift though? That quilt he was working on.
For Shana: homemade chocolate chip cookies
For Lancer: hmmm, he's not used to getting gifts for guys. Probably a helmet to protect his head from Rin's fists.
For Tohsaka: a topaz necklace. He would have gotten her a ruby one, but not after his expensive gift for Liz.
Garviel: another guy, hmmm. Probably a book on music.
Cuba: A cigar case.
Yosuke: another guy :|a hrrrgh discount coupons for the cosplay cafe
Ruri: handmade handkerchief with fish pattern
Taiwan: a glass vase for flowers
Hiccup: :|a more discount coupons
Lucus: a yo-yo
Rin Kagamine: and finally for her, songs from his laptop and his MP3 player transferred to her through Omoikane
Secret Santa
America: :|a hmmm, a baseball bat and glove. Americans love baseball right?
The rest of his Positive CR get a card.]
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