[Learn-a-Beatles-Song-a-Day] I've Just Seen a Face

Aug 10, 2009 11:16



I've just seen a face I can't forget
The time or place where we just met
She's just the girl for me
And I want all the world to see
We've met, hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm

Had it been another day
I might have looked the other way
And I'd have never been aware
But as it is I'll dream of her
Tonight, La da da da da da

Falling, yes I am falling
And she keeps calling
Me back again

I have never known the like of this
I've been alone and I have missed
Things and kept out of sight
But other girls were never quite like
This, da da da da da da

Oh, how the two first lines shake hands -- "I've just seen a face I can't forget" and "I can't forget the time or place." Brilliant bit of wordsmithing from Sir Paul. I know this one from Rubber Soul but apparently it's also on the UK version of Help!. This is one of A's favorites and it was the first that came to mind when I asked her on Friday night. It is so countrified in form, but played at breakneck speed. The Beatles not only wore tight outfits, they were absolutely a tight outfit, and this song is a fast, fast shuffle.

Learning the Song
The song opens with a plunking descent on the low E string and then a wonderful flight of fingerpicking on the G and high E, zooming up to the 14th fret, which is beyond playable for my acoustic guitar, so I'm on the Global Les Paul copy again. Once you have the intro down, it's fast but very easy to finger. I made it a bit tougher on myself by adding in bass lines at the chord changes. The challenge is keeping up -- I'm definitely not playing it at speed. Ever notice how much this song sounds like "The Boxer" by Simon and Garfunkel?

Thanks for the encouraging posts!

beatles lennon guitar lsd fonda revolver

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