Feb 21, 2004 21:28
ok im rilly bored rock oz was sooooooooooooooooooooooo great and it was so fun and well who am i kidding it sucked i made my catapult for sperber and sunday is my birfday!!!!! yeah
Feb 20, 2004 15:54
ok im just hanging out at kevin's (the 7th grader) house and i think hes staying the night at my house and i have to go to the play (fun!) im the best gaurd there is and 2morrow im going to the movies with him and his "love interest" kaity (w/e) and its gonna be awkward even if she does bring a friend gloh jizzouranl entrizzle donizzle
Feb 13, 2004 18:28
im bored so im gonna post ok........ post how do u get those useless blobs anyway? o w/e buh bye!
Feb 12, 2004 20:40
oh no im on a boot leg version of kazaa called shareazraor sum shit and downloading music oh no fbi is gonna break down my door my mom is all worried and i told her its perfectley legal cuz shes like dying about me doing this and i got a 50 dollar gift certificate to target (woooooooooo) and i got blank cd's a shirt and the movie office space
Feb 08, 2004 21:52
im sitting in my chair bored with nothign to do but sleeeeeeeep and i went to hanna + katies party which was prety cool and i toook the notre dame test and except for the party 2day i ahd like the most boring weekend like ever! so yea pple i still need help on my lj with pics and like back round and that shit
Feb 06, 2004 20:36
well im like kinda worried about the notre dame test in themornign cuz im sick and i want to do well so i have to like go to sleep now and et better for the thingie ma bob at fucking 8 in the morning then i have to go to church after (fun!!!) so buh bye i g2g sleep
Feb 04, 2004 18:44
ok well srry its been so long since ive posted i havent had any time ive been studying for the notre dame entrance exam crap thingie and so any way yea... ive just been chillen for the last week and watchign real world ($8,000!!!) and american idol (she bangs she bangs!) so bye
Jan 28, 2004 16:23
like i said i was reeeeealy mad yesterday cuz i dunno i just was so srry if i offended or hurt you