In the anime Fullmetal Alchemist, which many of you are at least somewhat aquainted with, there is a character known as Barry the Chopper. If you are in anyway familiar with this character, before and/or after he becomes a suit of armor, your task is this:
Write a pick-up line that Barry would say to any male(s), female(s), or Envy(s
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Comments 16
But no pick-up lines at the moment, I'm just so brain-dead.
And I COMPLETLY thought that Envy was a chick until I encoutered a fic where Ed and Envy get it on... I was like "WHAT THE HELL?!?!? SHE HAS A PENIS???"
But I didn't know about the whole not-having-genitalia thing. >.>
I love androgynous boys. So much. I think because they're non-threatening. Plus I think gender-bending is fun.
Haven't seen the anime and haven't gotten far enough in the manga (haven't gotten very far in the manga at all really) to encounter Barry the Chopper. Which is a shame because I'm usually pretty good at thinking up cheesy chat up lines. Not that I ever use them of course. Well, only on my friends and they don't mind. ^__^
ooh he becomes a suit of armour too? So he and Al can have, like, buffing competitions or something? "My armour body is shinier than your armour body!" "Nu-uh!" "Yuh-huuh!" "NUU-UUUUH!" "YUUUH-HUUUUUH!" . . . Okay I'll stop the silliness now.
(For when he's in armour form, even though he looks very ugly in armour, couldn't find a pic of him as a human)
to woman: Hey, you oil my armour I'll trim your bush. XD
to man: Need a screw? I'm your guy.
Yes they're terrible, but isn't that kind of the point? ^__^
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