On the community
sentai it was mentioned that the Super Sentai Series for 2008 will be 炎神戦隊ゴーオンジャー (Enjin Sentai Gôonjâ Fire God/Engine Squadron Gôonger).
This page seems to be proof and a preview of the things we can expect from Gôonger.
Gôonger appears to be themed on cars or vehicles in general. This would make it the fourth Sentai to be themed on such things after 高速戦隊ターボレンジャー (Kôsoku Sentai Tâborenjâ High-speed Squadron Turbo Ranger), 激走戦隊カーレンジャー (Gekisô Sentai Kârenjâ Racing Squadron Car Ranger), and 轟轟戦隊ボウケンジャー (Gô Gô Sentai Bôkenjâ Go Go Squadron Boukenger).
Are you serious? Another car-themed Sentai? Come on, Toei! Enough already! At least wait another ten years. Christ. I've come up with seven original ideas with a friend, my ex, and by myself in the past two years. Seven! They'd all be awesome, too, but you can't come up with an original idea at all anymore?? Shit, take my ideas and do something interesting with them. I don't care. I want to see something new. I mean, look:
1) 狂死戦隊セイレンジャー (Kyôshi Sentai Seirenjâ Lethal Insanity Squadron Seiranger) - Youth and friendship theme.
2) 丸毛戦隊カブレンジャー (Maruke Sentai Kabu Renjâ Husky Squadron Cub Ranger) - Bear cub lifestyle theme.
3) 電伎戦隊オーストレンジャー (Dengi Sentai Ôsutorenjâ h4xx0r Squadron Austranger) - Australian theme.
4) 矯激戦隊モドレンジャー (Kyôgeki Sentai Modorenjâ Extreme Squadron Modranger) - Body modification theme.
5) 脳能戦隊ハッキサーレンジャー (Nô Nô Sentai Hakkisâ Renjâ No No Squadron h4xx0r R4ng3r) - Internet n00b culture theme.
6) 緑和戦隊ジオレンジャー (Midoriwa Sentai Jiorenjâ Green Peace Squadron Georanger) - Captain Planet, but sentai.
7) BHH戦隊シャレンジャー (BHH Sentai Sharenjâ BHH Squadron Sharanger) - Large black mama theme.
Take one. Please use it. Have fun, Toei. Really.
I mean, they couldn't have even gone back to the rumor of a planet-themed sentai for Geki Ranger? Anyone remember that business? I was really kind of hoping they'd do that this year with 惑星戦隊スターレンジャー (Wakusei Sentai Sutâ Renjâ Planet Squadron Star Ranger). I mean, really, Toei should know that 秘密戦隊ゴレンジャー (Himitsu Sentai Gorenjâ Secret Squadron Goranger) was called 'Star Rangers' in I think the Philippines... They should get ideas from that, you know?
Like, here's a quick idea for Star Ranger... Futuristic or parallel Earth where other planets and their satellites are inhabited by other beings and humans. Mars is like the Middle East of the Solar System with a rogue civilization that causes trouble, war, and terror among the other worlds. They may try to invade the other planets, and a collection of soldiers from the planets gathers to form Planet Squadron Star Ranger. The leader can be the red ranger representing the sun, but be from Earth. Blue from Mercury, pink or white from Venus, yellow or green from Jupiter, and black or violet from Saturn. They battle the Martian terrorists and army in a quest to keep peace in the Solar System. More rangers can later be added to the team from Uranus, Neptune, and maybe Pluto. Really simple concept, really easy-to-do story.
I can understand the theme of "terrorism" in the enemy being a sensitive subject in the world right now, but it doesn't really seem so different from what other enemies in other series do... Rin Juden look for despair and screams in people, ultimately terrorizing them. Questers blew up Tokyo a whole bunch, ultimately terrorizing the city. The ten gods of Infershia threatened the world with punishment quite frequently, ultimately trying to terrorize them. I mean, really...
I'm not impressed with this Gôonger idea right now. It better impress me when it comes to its premier time, or they better change that business. I ain't finna have this! LOL
Let me know what you guys think if you're following the Super Sentai Series. Thanks.