if i fell
a/n. idek what the fuck this is, tbh. :( rusty, rusty, rusty. inspired by
i never fell in love with you. i just fell.
there are moments, sometimes, where jonghyun's still hazed over with sleep that his alarm didn't startle out of him completely and he'll look at minho. and there's no revelations that make him wake up, light bulbs flashing, panic settling beneath his skin-no, it's just a boy looking at another boy. and it's okay. there's nothing there, really, just features in the dark that jonghyun's only come to know so well because he's seen them for every waking moment for the past few years. there is something boyish and peaceful about them, when minho's sleeping, however; something that has jonghyun paused and contemplative, for a split second.
after that, it's just same old, same old, time to wake everyone else up and save minho for last.
when they first started sharing a room, it wasn't a simple neat fit, clicking into place and they're good. they'd shared five ways and then suddenly it was just the two of them, and so much more to find out about each other. minho moved around too much when he slept and jonghyun supposedly sang in his sleep. he didn't see how that was a bad thing, really, but minho was steadfast in his disgruntlement. somewhere in the midst of it all, though, they found time to stay up late and whisper to each other in the dark, becoming closer while they were spaces apart. jonghyun tried to get rid of the extra distance by letting his hand hang, and sometimes minho would reach out to help, fingers twining in the air.
it was a good fit. not perfect, but it was good.
minho caught him watching, once. "do i have something on my face, hyung?"
"no," jonghyun said, blinking. "no, it's just your face, is all."
"oh, shut up."
sometimes, the slide of minho's fingers along jonghyun's skin is the most electrifying thing he's ever felt. it could be static, it could be in jonghyun's head, but it's there. minho's thorough with everything he does, like if he has to touch someone, it needs to be perfect. like when he does it, his fingers have to be positioned just so, have to follow a path just like this or that, to have the maximum effect in the shortest period of time. sometimes it's firm and sometimes it's light, sometimes it's well-worn and comforting, and sometimes it's brand new and exciting.
or maybe it's all a game and jonghyun's just on the losing side. going up against minho in anything is a sure-fire defeat.
minho catches him watching, a lot, come to think of it. "you're staring at me again."
"yeah," jonghyun says, "i'm trying to figure out why you're so popular with all the noonas." he pauses, mostly to duck the pillow that comes hurtling toward him, the echoes of laughter following it. "it's just so baffling, you know?"
"whatever, hyung." minho doesn't miss his mark, this time.
sometimes, it's minho who's staring. jonghyun's been noticing it more, been watching fan-taken videos and pictures and he thinks, huh, no wonder they make such racy fan art. minho's got this stare down, the one that's so intense that, when jonghyun looks back on a particular moment, he wonders how the hell he didn't combust spontaneously, lit up from the inside. maybe it's because he never met those stares, like he knew something then that he didn't know he knew until now. maybe one day he'll catch one like a shooting star and make a wish that he doesn't turn to ash.
but he's almost willing to bet, at this point, that it probably wouldn't be so bad. maybe a little bit okay.
jonghyun turns onto his stomach, hand dangling to signal that he wants to talk. "hey."
"what is it, hyung?" minho reaches, electrocutes.
"i'm writing a song about you. i just thought you'd like to know."
minho laughs, a low rumble jonghyun swears he can feel vibrating his bones. "what's it called?"
jonghyun pauses. contemplates. "sure-fire defeat."
it's a good fit. a safe one.