Aug 03, 2005 03:48
stolen meme from jess:
post anonymously:
1. One secret.
2. One compliment.
3. One non-compliment.
4. One love note, but it does not have to be for me.
5. Lyrics to a song.
6. How old you are.
7. How long we've been friends.
8. And a hint to who you are.
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Comments 8
2. one compliment: why are you so uberly-fantastic? you suck. (hope that works)
3. one non-compliment: lovely ducklings make beautiful geese.
4. one love note: i miss you most when i'm happy.
5. lyrics to a song:
and so it is
just like you said it would be
life goes easy on me
most of the time
6. how old you are: i am seventeen, going on eighteen
7. how long we've been friends: i'd say two years. freshman year i didn't exist.
8. a hint to who i am: CRACKERS! and independent study :)
2. One compliment: You say it like it is.
3. One non-compliment: When are you going to settle down?
4. One love note, but it does not have to be for me:
5. Lyrics to a song: "You kissed me, then dissed me, but now you say you miss me / You used me, confuse me but you don't want to lose me / Don't talk to me. Don't acknowledge me anymore / I'm just another score."
6. How old you are: Old enough.
7. How long we've been friends: Mere weeks.
8. And a hint to who you are: I'm not the one you want.
2. You're the best hugger ever.
3. You can be a little mean sometimes.
4. You're so beautiful, Julia, I bet even your anger is beautiful.
5. What's beautiful? Life's beautiful- but not fair at all.
6. 17
7. Good friends? About a year.
8. I may be joining you a year from now.
2. you brighten my days.
3. you are mean which is actually funny.
4. love notes are silly. :)
5. i'll let you get the best of me because there's nothing else that i do well.
6. 18.
7. we met two years ago, but it has been only a year we really talked.
8. roar.
2. You have great handwriting.
3. It's weird that you eat paper.
4. "I'll smother thee with kisses...Ten kisses short as one, one long as twenty."
5. Iba caminando por las calles empapadas en olvido
Iba por los parques con fantasmas y con angeles caidos.
Iba sin luz iba sin sol iba sin un sentido iba muriendome
Iba volando sobre el mar con las alas rotas
6. 16
7. about a year.
8. Rain makes applesauce.
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