pseudicide Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People (don't use names):
1. Things will balance out soon; it might not be easy, and it certainly won't be the same as before, but you'll be okay.
2. I wish you were closer, but hearing your voice reminded me that we're on the same page.
3. I don't think you realize (or me, really) how much this is going to change our relationship.
4. For someone who is one of the nicest people I know, you're being a dick. Stop being such a selfish asshole. If you keep it up, you'll end up even more alone.
5. You're one of my best friends, and I wish you were closer; there's a part of my heart missing.
6. I'm still figuring out how this is going to work, but I'm cautiously optimistic about how awesome it could be.
7. There is a lot of potential here, and I'm really excited.
8. Y'know, doing that without warning can be pretty hurtful. I'd just like to know why, is all.
9. You're so goddamn lucky, and you're wasting it. And now, it's too late anyway.
10. Every time we talk or email, I feel so, so lucky to know you and have you as a friend.
Nine Things About Myself:
1. I'm learning to cook, slowly, but my insecurities in the kitchen are slowing me down.
2. Music heals me.
3. I love spending a night tucked on the couch with my computer, or a book, or a movie.
4. I have a weakness for books. And purses.
5. I need to go to graduate school, but I'm terrified that we can't afford it.
6. When I'm cranky, I need to listen to happy music to avoid spiraling into depression. I have very little dark or sad music in my life.
7. Wedding crap feels like it's taken over my brain. It irritates the fuck out of me, but little things pop into my head all the time.
8. I desperately wish I went to church more.
9. I cannot wait for baseball season to start.
Eight Ways to Win My Heart (platonically or otherwise):
1. Food. Bring me great food, cook me great food, surprise me with food.
2. Support and encourage my hopes and dreams.
3. Allow me my geeky and fangirl tendencies, or even better, share them with me.
4. Clean my apartment.
5. Surprise me.
6. Make me laugh.
7. Share your life with me.
8. Listen to your life speak, listen to the world speak, let yourself be swept up by everyday miracles. Let me share it.
Seven Things That Cross My Mind A Lot:
1. Good god, I'm cold.
2. Ugh, this place is a mess.
3. I'm hungry.
4. Money worries.
5. Will someone read this? Does anyone besides me actually care?
6. I'm not good enough.
7. These clothes look/fit/feel wrong.
Six Things I Do Before I Fall Asleep:
1. Check email.
2. Check Twitter.
3. Read, if I'm lucky.
4. Worry.
5. Talk with Wes.
6. Think about sleeping.
Five People Who Mean A Lot:
1. Wes
2. Kathy
3. Emily
4. Rin
5. Everyone else. Five is WAYYYY too little.
Four Things You're Wearing Right Now:
1. Engagement Ring
2. Pajamas (who wears pants?)
3. Tank top
4. Socks
Three Bands That You Listen To Often:
1. Guster
2. John Mayer
3. ...right now, Glee. :D
Two Things You Want To Do Before You Die:
1. Have children.
2. Have a dog. :D
One Confession:
(slightly shallow, but meh) I really, really, really want to get takeout tonight, but I shouldn't.