Some of my posts are public. Some aren’t. If you like what you see and that’s good enough, fine by me.
I enjoy media. Of all kinds. Movies, television, music, etc. When I’m interested in something, I’ll ramble on about it, sometimes at length, sometimes incoherently. Here there be fangirl babbling; consider yourself warned.
I’m opinionated, loud, sassy, and unapologetic. First and foremost, this is my journal. So if you are horribly offended by something I’ve said (or reply with something I find horribly offensive), the unfriend button is thataway. However, I’m always open to honest and real debate and exchange of ideas; if you have something to say without being a wanky bitch about it, I’m all ears.
And, in the vein of opinionated and sassy, I’m something of an unrepentant liberal. I’m a New Englander born and bred, a woman, a Democrat (generally), a Red Sox fan, a person of curious, flexible, and at times questionable sexuality, and a slightly carnivorous omnivore. On the other hand of things, I’m also a person of faith (really liberal faith), to the point where I’m applying to divinity school with the aim of becoming a minister, and I talk about that here. Somewhere in the mix of all that, I curse like a sailor, drink like a fish, and screw like a carpenter. Take all of that as you will.
If you never post anymore, if your journal is brand new, if you don’t have any friends, if you’re posting in a different language, if I simply don’t want to read anymore-I reserve the right to unfriend you. If you’re horribly offended by that and think it may have been a mistake or something, please let me know. The cut may not be personal; sometimes things become clutter.
Basically, I’m a person walking the world a while; that means that I tell it as I see it, and sometimes perception changes. We’re all growing and learning, no matter what, and life is a roller coaster. I’d be more than willing to ride with you for a while.
.:: friends only ::.
Comment to be added.