Hello there, my fabbity fab little pals. It is nearing the end if the summer holidays and I am vair vair bored, so I decided to make some beautiful treats for you.
it has happened. i finally met my own Dave the Laugh. Named Matt. He's vair groovy-looking and full of hilariosity and i'm totally relaxed around him, ie non jelloid. One problem. He's 2 1/2 years younger than me!!! How unfair. Quel dommage, double merde and poo. need georgia to cheer me up, but my friends lent them....where did i put my library
not to be rude or anything but all the posting for the communities is just plain getting on my nerves!! can we stop posting those things unless it's another georgia community?
Hello you marvey chums. Just recently started reading the books, I'm on the 4th now, Louise Rennison is so fabbity fab fab it makes my fringe curl. I'm 14 and from the good old Hamburgeragogo Land (USofA). Just wanted to introduce myself, keep snogging.