Title: The Hunter and the Sea-King’s Daughter
Author: Kelly (
Rating: M/R
Word Count: Approx. 5,300
Summary: Fantasy/Supernatural AU; Chuck’s mother was a mermaid. A story mostly about Herc, but also about Chuck and what it means to belong.
Warnings: Adult and sexual themes; Canon character death; Drowning;
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Comments 2
LOVED. THIS. Loved how PacRim it was, but loved all the allusions to it. Has that magical but dangerous quality to it that all the siren/mermaid stories have: a human man, a magically beautiful woman who doesn't quite belong in a way that is both dangerous and heartbreaking, a child who's special because of his parentage. Has quotes from literature which fit so seamlessly into the story. Incredible.
Cannot believe it didn't have more comments here or on the tumblr.
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