Title: Gingerbread
downfellChallenge: Smell, scent, aroma over at
Rating: PG
"I can't believe I agreed to this," Draco whined.
"Oh, quiet Draco. Christmases at the Burrow are always fun. And my family will love you."
Draco snorted. "I highly doubt that. If you recall, your brothers and I weren't exactly best mates at school."
"Yeah well, you're a different person than you were then. Now shut up, we're here." Ginny ignored Draco's scowl. "Smell that?"
"What is it?"
"My mum's gingerbread." Ginny closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. "Mmm, don't you love it?"
"I suppose."
"Draco, you're such a Scrooge." She kissed him lightly. "Remind me why I love you?"