the new schedule

Aug 25, 2006 13:39

the new schedule ( Read more... )

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Comments 25

adornedinvain August 25 2006, 19:05:21 UTC
- i want to find a new place to live pretty soon
yes, seattle


misssusan August 25 2006, 21:12:32 UTC
you got booted off the island!


there are PLENTY more islands to float your fupa on over yonder.

aka MPLS.

do it.

♥ susan


totalsikeout August 25 2006, 21:59:47 UTC
you forgot to add that youre the best card creator in the universe.
totally made my day.

love youu

ps; we need to wrangle down that shark suit from whomever for my entertainment at some point.
just for a day. come onnnn..
if you find it for me i pinky swear i'll go in pizza shuttle with it on. haha


bethyraebs August 25 2006, 23:34:23 UTC
i demand we go see snakes on a plane.


downgrade August 26 2006, 22:23:29 UTC
tell me when and where oh bethany.


newdognewdognewdog!!! bon_bon_lives August 25 2006, 23:42:16 UTC
make me something for my goddamned birthday. please.


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