Any goodwill engendered by this episode was quickly wiped away by the scenes from the next...

Jan 13, 2012 22:05

~"Wait, what's the plan exactly?"
"Don't die."

~Oh, Sam, your hair looks so fabulous when it's windblown!

~Show, your photoshops are always so bad.

~"Don't give me that dirty diaper look. I ain't calling you."

~"Sheriff Mills. She caught us one."
"I feel bad. I didn't get her anything."

~"I hope you're watching cartoon smut. Reading Dick Roman articles isn't going to solve anything."
*pause* "It's called anime. And it's an art form."

~"Looking for more anime, or are you strictly into Dick now?"

~Interesting. As much as I'm looking forward to Dean in 40s-land, I'm looking forward to seeing how they work this into the storyarc even more.

~"Just listen to me."
"If you tell me you're from the Bureau one more time, I'm going to air you out myself."

~Okay, now they're just fucking with us with the trenchcoat lighting.

~"The thing that's been mummifying people took him in a freaking ball of light and disappeared."
"That happen to you a lot?"

~"Does this mean I'm an Untouchable now?"
"It means we gotta get you into some new clothes. You look like some kinda dinglestiff."

~Yowza! Now this is what this ep is good for!!! ♥

~"Who talks like that?"
"...Sean Connery."

~"Looks empty. You got a lockpick?"
"Sure." *kicks it down*

~"He's using the Biff strategy." LOVE.

~"If he doesn't kick in a skull every couple days, he gets touchy."

~Fuck. Missed the big emotional Jody/Sam conversation because my parent's guest dropping by didn't try the front door first. At least I'll be able to watch it again on the DVR.

~Wow, CW actually acknowledging a winning show they do nothing to promote!

~"Why do you think I went after Capone in the first place? Guy had the best hooch in Chicago."

~Oh, Jason... I love when my fandoms collide. :D

~Dean, you are ridonkulously smart (and lucky that no one remodeled over your graffiti).

~So now they know exactly when Chronos will be touching Dean--they just have to wait until he'll be killing him to do it!

~Seriously? It's supposed to be some big, suspenseful surprise that Leviathans are everywhere? I thought we already knew that?


meta: spn

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