again for my own reference

Sep 07, 2008 18:49

"The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of men, is a demand for their real happiness. The call to abandon their illusions about their condition is a call to abandon a condition which requires no illusions."

"Man, who has found in the fantastic reality of heaven only his own reflection, will no longer be tempted to find only the semblance of himself. Religion is indeed man's self-consciousness and self-awareness so long as he has not found himself or has lost himself again.

Man is not an abstract being, squatting outside the world. This state, this society, produce religion which is an inverted world consciousness [because] it is this world's logic in popular form.

Religious suffering is at the same time an expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering.

The criticism of religion disillusions man so that he will revolve about himself as his own true sun."

There is some really beautiful phrasing in this one, when it is not being obtuse.


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