Title: Clarity
Author: Aussie
Rated: T
(100) word drabble
Characters, pairing: Edith/Sir Anthony
Not for any particular challenge. Just avoiding work by drabbling. :)
Edith carefully took her place at the dinner table.
“Ma’am, have you decided on the seating arrangements for dinner?” Carson had asked after lunch.
“All but Sir Anthony--”
“Sit him next to me,” she’d blurted out guilelessly.
Her mother had hesitated. Granny’s eyes had widened. Carson had hovered. All so uncertain.
“This is nice,” Sir Anthony commented now as he lowered himself into the chair beside her.
She ignored her mother’s speculative gaze and turned to study him again.
She could see even he was apprehensive.
“Yes, it is,” she replied with a smile.
She’d never been surer about anything.