Shine like silver, pure and true (C/H, S3 minor spoilers)

Dec 19, 2012 23:50

Title: Shine like silver, pure and true
Author: frakcancer
Rating: K+
Character/s: Charles Carson, Elsie Hughes
Warnings (if applicable): Minor minor (blink and you'll miss it) spoilers for S3E08

I'm not foul, Mr Carson. I may not be the same as you, but I'm not foul. -Thomas Barrow, S03E08

Thomas was foul. All men were.

A foul man had gotten his mother pregnant, leaving her after the hasty wedding.

From the youngest hallboy to His Lordship, foul all, wanting only one thing from a woman.

All men were foul and he was a man. All it took was swaying hips, sea-cloud
eyes, a Scottish lilt and he was lost, imagining forbidden intimacies,
the sheen of sweat on skin, cries of pleasure in the night. He comforted
himself with the thought that she'd never know of his lusts.

He was foul, but his silent love for her would redeem him.

character: charles carson, author: frakcancer, non-challenge drabble, character: mrs elsie hughes

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