To leave the friends you loved, for greater loving still (C/H)

Jan 11, 2013 12:45

Title: To leave the friends you loved, for greater loving still
Author: frakcancer
Rating: K
Character/s: Elsie Hughes / Charles Carson
Warnings: minor, minor, teeny-tiny spoiler point for S3 Christmas Special

She listened to Anna's tales of Scotland with envy. When last had she left Yorkshire? She'd entered service to get away to end up stuck again.

Perhaps after retiring. She had money saved, and moving from a small room in a big house to a small room in a small house did not appeal. She could get on a train and go - anywhere.

It was worth only salt with no one to tell. In her mind's eye she came home, stepped off the train to find him waiting. What was the point of letting life alter you unless someone noticed?

character: charles carson, author: frakcancer, non-challenge drabble, character: mrs elsie hughes

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