Title: Still Here
Rating: T
Pairings: House/Wilson friendship (slash goggles possible), Chase.
Word Count: 1300+
Spoilers: 8x19 The C Word.
Summary: AU, based on promos of The C Word. “You placed him in a position he should never have had to be in.”
A/N: Completed before The C Word aired. So please ignore the morphine party that House had with Wilson.
The day Wilson goes back to the work is a day of celebration in PPTH... )
Comments 14
AND where was Chase when things were going badly for House? like every0ne else he left it up to Wilson to see House through the bad times so he would have no right to grumble at Wilson - he should look to his own faults first.
Wilson has never - in my opinion - had to decide that for House. He's had to deal with the fallout of House's actions, yes, but he's never had to decide whether to let his best friend die, or continue to suffer.
And this is just my own interpretation of Chase and House's relationship. He did afterall, go bowling with House when Wilson was off with Amber. Canon doesn't really give us much, but this is what I extrapolated.
Thank you for reading!
“How do you think it would have gone, Wilson? If he were to watch you die on his couch, in his apartment, and leave him to deal with the fact that he could have - and should have - stopped you and saved you?"
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