Title: Crash Rating: T Pairings: House/Wilson friendship (slash goggles possible) Word Count: 393 Spoilers: 8x20 Post-Mortem Summary: At that moment, the car isn't the only thing that crashes.
It was painful to observe House's reactions and imagine how he must have been feeling watching Wilson do all that. The episode ripped my heart out and stomped on it repeatedly. Especially that bus scene.
Thank you for writing this. This episode reinforced that House is willing to do *anything* for Wilson, even though he clearly had a very bad time during the whole thing. Like House, I think we can all live without Kyle.
Beautifully done. This was very in-character and possibly exactly what was going through House's mind.
I don't think we can live without Wilson. And it is just gloriously painful to what extents House is willing to go for Wilson. Even if it's killing him inside.
It's a great bit of depth in a scene (actually the whole trip) that could be written off as silliness, but should not be. House knew what Wilson would not admit to himself, but allowed Wilson the delusion as long as he need it. I could see the thoughts you gave him here. Nicely done! :)
I'm glad House gave Wilson the time to process it, though. I think it was important for Wilson to come to terms with the fact that he is just not that kind of person, and that he should not regret who he is and what he's done.
Echoing everyone else. This was so right. House did anything Wilson wanted in this episode, but, when he thought House was possibly hurt, "Kyle" disappeared. How about a companion piece from Wilson's point of view?
Thank you! But I don't think I can give justice to a Wilson POV! Because I honestly don't think I can adequately express in words what's going on in Wilson's mind. He's complex that way. But perhaps. We'll see how the muse behaves :)
Comments 25
Thanks for reading <3
Beautifully done. This was very in-character and possibly exactly what was going through House's mind.
I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading.
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