As much as I don't want this show to end, I am excited for the finale arc. This show has given us brilliant things like Three Stories and Autopsy and No Reason and House's Head/Wilson's Heart and Chase and a whole host of other great stuff, and even though things have been er... a little bleak lately, I'm hoping they can pull something great off.
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Comments 16
I would like to see H & W move on to greener pastures, and I'd like to see Chase & Taub go make their own careers - its ridiculous that they're still fellows after all this time, especially Chase.
I'd like the question of House's pain/addiction/mental state to be addressed, and I'd like to see Wilson making positive changes to his own life.
Like you I desperately hope that the final arc will be great, but I'd settle for good after the last few eps - its not looking promising at the moment.
Then came the car crash. When I watched it... I literally punched my laptop screen.
I would like for Chase to become the next Diagnostics Head :)
I'd like the question of House's pain/addiction/mental state to be addressed, and I'd like to see Wilson making positive changes to his own life.
This. Just this whole thing. Yes.
Let's just keep our fingers crossed.
That episode broke my laptop - it stopped working half way through (screen broke into multiple images) and never worked again :( It knew what was coming...
That's the kind of event that, were I to read it in a fic, would seem outrageously over the top coincidence.
Me neither, but unfortunately I wouldn't find this unbelievable.
I'm trying to brace myself for a very deluding finale. This way, whatever happens good will be a bonus.
Yeah with this show it's easier to not expect much and just get pleasantly surprised. The life of a House fan...
I would prefer it with House dying too, though that doesn't bode well for fanfiction (unless people want to write Wilson as a ghost). Neither dying would be great for fanfiction I suppose. Everyone would have to do a lot of rewrites of the ending. But yes, Wilson would have a better chance i think of surviving long term.
But here's an alternative: perhaps a patient whom House really connects with and feels for, dies after House is unable to find the answer?They did a version of that in "Help Me", with a patient that House did everything right for and she still died. Of course it seems the show is recycling storylines, so maybe they will do that again ( ... )
At his age Wilson was a department head and Cuddy was Dean of Medicine. ;)
When you put it that way it really does seem ridiculous.
And then they promptly forgot his ordeal and had him having sex with Cuddy all the next day with no apparent after effects.... Though I guess you could argue that he only fell into the relationship with Cuddy because he saw her in that moment as some sort of saviour.
And she promptly forgot what he was like because that night she saw him as a hero.
Recall what she had said much earlier to Wilson (season 5, 'The Itch') when she saw House as he really was:
Cuddy: It would start off exciting and we’d get caught up in the novelty and the hostility and the forbiddenness and then we’d realize that the flirty hostility is just hostility and his inability to open up is no longer exciting, it’s just frustrating and then it’s the inevitable blow up and the recriminations and we don’t talk for two months.
Now there was a woman who was seeing things realistically.
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