Fic: Other Women (Annalise, Francine)

Mar 22, 2010 00:24

My entry for the who_like_giants minor characters ficathon.

Title: Other Women
Author: Doyle
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Annalise, Leo Jones, Francine Jones
Rating: All ages
Word count: 1900
Disclaimer: Doctor Who characters belong to the BBC.
Note: I had three or four ideas half-started for this fest, and then I caught the beginning of Smith and Jones and ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

rhipowered March 22 2010, 00:34:31 UTC
This really made me happy--I always have had questions about what the Jones family was really like, after it all. Cheers for writing it.


doyle_sb4 March 23 2010, 10:03:12 UTC
Thank you! I've always wondered about the Joneses afterwards, and this was a good excuse to write it.


shadowturquoise March 22 2010, 00:49:00 UTC
I love this. I love the sense of "what is really important" that Francine and Clive both extrude. It's a shame there aren't more stories that deal with the reactions of those closest to the ones on the Valiant: Leo, Annalise, the Torchwood team, etc.


doyle_sb4 March 23 2010, 10:04:56 UTC
Yay, thank you!

I've always wondered, too, about the other people on the Valiant (the UNIT soldiers, probably the President's bodyguards, the masseuses we see briefly in LotTL) because presumably they would all have kept their memories. And that's never going to be addressed onscreen, so thank goodness we have fic...


papilio_luna March 22 2010, 01:40:40 UTC
It's still the 21st on this side of the world!

And this is really quite brilliant, and it hits a lot of my DO WANT buttons: an outsider-POV, a minor character getting fleshed out, year-that-never-was-ness.

The Jones family has had this experience that no one else close to them-not even Leo-has had, that has changed them in innumerable ways, and I've often wondered what form their coping would take and how they'd ever be able to re-integrate themselves in with the rest of their loved-ones and friends.

Which is all to say, well done, you. This was wonderful. I love it!


nonelvis March 22 2010, 02:47:19 UTC
I never thought I'd have sympathy for whiny, shallow Annalise, but you got into her head so well that I really felt for her, having to deal with what must have seemed like a shockingly sudden breakup. And you depicted the Jones family perfectly: still broken from the Year That Never Was, but trying to pull things together as best they can. Terrific story.


glinda_penguin March 22 2010, 09:32:15 UTC
Oh excellent, I'd never really thought about what must have happened to Annalise during the the YTNW but it seemed right that Francine had, if only to keep from thinking about what might be happening to her kids and grandchild.

Also I like how Annalise is resilient in her own way too.


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