(no subject)

May 25, 2004 00:38

*Doyle's eyes moved away from the girl he's talking to and drifts over just to see what Angel's up to, and if there's anymore obvious signs of Harmony and Angel flirting. When his eyes catch the view of Cordelia. His heart lurches and skips a beat, his breath quickens as he fights his way through the dancing people to get to her*


*Cordy turns to the sound of the voice speaking her name. When she sees Doyle, she lets out a shriek. *

"Doyle!" she says in complete surprise, as she tackles him with a huge hug.

*Doyle's arms cling about her waist like a magnet, she feels so soft and warm against him, he wants to hold her forever*


*He laughs*

"Oh my God! Doyle!" Cordy shrieks again. She laughs.

"I swore that if I saw you again, I'd kick your ass....” she shakes her head.

"Remind me later, okay?"

"Uh, yeah sure. Looks like neither of us are dead any more huh?"

Cordy steps back. "Yeah, I'd say that'd be a fair observation. But...when? How?"

"The powers that be decided "sorry Doyle, yer far too much of a handsome man t' die now. You need t' go back and tell that girl Cordy you lo -- miss her"

*Doyle smiled softly a little embarrassed*

*Cordy's expression softened*

"Yeah well, they said the same thing to me. Minus the 'handsome man' part. Oh! And the part where I miss me."

"Yeah, I'd hope so"

*He grinned*

*Angel watched intently, a smirk crossing his face. He was happy both Cordy and Doyle were back together again, he only hoped this time it lasted past a kiss. He delicately moved away from them into the crowd to find Harmony*

*Cordy grins in return*

"So...What else has been going on around here? Anything unusually unusual?", she smiled.

"Nothin' much. Fred is or was a ghost, I'm not sure on that one, Wesley's not been seen for a while, Angel's been fightin' like cat and dog with Spike, Kathy's now, and Angel and Harmony slept together"

*Doyle bit his lip at his last comment*

*Cordy's eyebrows nearly met her hairline at Doyle's last remark*

"Angel? And ... Harmony? Oh my god …"

"Uh, I didn't tell you that..."

*Doyle's face reddened*

"Right." She gave a short nod.

"Normally I would made a witty remark right about now, but this is just freakin' bizarre." She exhaled exasperatedly.

"So, Fred's...around...Wes is...not. And Kathy? How the hell did that happen?"

"She just sorta appeared one day with Fred. You...you don't like the whole Harmony/Angel thing? I think it's goin' t' be more than just...sex.", he grinned.

*Cordy shrugged*

"I'm just...surprised, that's all." She glanced over at Kathy. "And the girl...she's not out for revenge or anything, right?", she gave him a worried look.

"Cordy, she's twelve I doubt it..."

*He laughed*

*Cordy nodded, and rolled her eyes. *

"Yeah, well, she also had her big brother turn into a monster and kill her family. I'd be a little pissed, wouldn't you?"


*Doyle looked confused*

"Let me get back to you on that one..."

*Doyle listened to the music that was now playing as the spotlights shone over their heads. It was a slow romantic song, he knew Cordy liked as he'd heard her play it a lot*

"Would ye do me the honor of dancin' with me?"

*Doyle offered his hand, he bowed like a gentleman*

*Cordy nodded, and curtsied dramatically, playing along*

"You shall," she said; as she took his hand, and let him lead her onto the dance floor.

*Doyle held one of her hands in his, slipping his fingers between hers. His other strong arm curved around her waist and pulled her close to him. His dazzling green eyes glittering with the lights in the room. His smile shone at her*

"I missed you"

*Cordy let her head rest on his shoulder, part of her convinced that she was dreaming. *

"I missed you too."

*Doyle rested his head on top of hers. Her soft hair touching his face, he could smell her perfume that entranced him. He felt a pulling at his heart, he didn't want to loose her again, and he didn't want to have to go through the heartache and pain. Without thinking he laid a long slow kiss on top of her head*

*Cordy looked up at Doyle, tightening her grip on him instinctively*

"This isn't the part where you sacrifice yourself for the sake of humanity, is it?"

*Doyle snorted*

"Done that once already, not about t' do it again"


*Doyle had no words worth speaking. He closed his eyes and stopped dancing; he stood in the middle of the dance floor just hugging her. 'M'not goin' t' let you go again' he thought, and without a pause he whispered*

"I love you"

*Cordy hugged Doyle back*

"I thought I'd never get to hear you say that," she said softly, feeling as though she might cry.

"I love you too, Doyle."

*Doyle too her chin with one hand so's he could look into her eyes and with a smile he kissed her deeply*
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