Each kitty has been sent to their respective new owners. They arrive on their doorstep/outside their dorm room/office/etc. in kitty carriers with a note attached. As an aside, Master's handwriting is atrocious and he can't spell worth shit.
I kall this one Laserboy. Pls keepe it away frm meerors and magnifyin glass.
As agreed here is your kittn, "Bighead". Pls keep warm. May attmpt to levitat objekts or speek to you sykiclee mentally. Firmly diskurage this.
This is Zippo. Perhapps the kold will be gud for him. If he starts to koff, place him away frm ice or flammabl objekts. If he bekomes trublesome, pls give to Axel.
Have been calling this one Slippy. Rekwires care, pls no large skratching posts and keep from high places. Konsider lining walls of bedrum in lead.
Heere is Zippo II, clone of originall Zippo. Has not shown any signe of "illness", keep an eye out. May bee unstabel.
So in case you can't tell from the notes, here are the mutations of each kitten:
Laserboy shoots laser beams from its eyes. Bighead is hairless and has psychic powers. Zippo, besides having a forked tongue, tends to breathe fire. Slippy can pass through solid matter (but not lead). Zippo II is simply a clone of Zippo and may or may not have fire-breathing powers. Maybe he goes Human Torch and completely lights up? These are all just the Master's lame names for them, feel free to come up with your own. (Master's kept one kitten for himself, named Noo-noo. You'll be hearing about him later.)