woot!! yeehaaawww!!! and yahoo.

Sep 14, 2005 11:44

it's official. I found out last night, I did win. So uurrreybody's invited.

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Comments 3

hippieness September 14 2005, 16:23:56 UTC
what did you win? IS IT A MILLION DOLLARS!!!! cuz that would be sweet.


hahaha... cough! hack! hack! cough! dpsausage September 15 2005, 02:57:00 UTC
I think a million dollars would be amazing. but actually I won a XBOX 360 on the pepsi-thingy.


o*o*o*o hippieness September 15 2005, 03:03:57 UTC

p.s. diet is bad for you. ASPARTAME (look on the ingrediants label) breaks down to formeldehyde (sp?) while being digested. Its also linked to chronic headaches. Its like liquid DEATH!


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