beth i would kiss you for this... but i have cooties!!

Oct 07, 2005 01:52

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Comments 5

WHO THE FUCK IS JENN slightly_paved October 7 2005, 06:46:54 UTC
-Jenn needs to post office hours.

-Jenn needs a hot rod...and a good insurance policy. (woo isnt that true)

-Jenn needs to get her grove back. (duh)

-jenn needs an attitude adjustment

-Jenn needs to get past her handcuff thing. (WOOT)


Re: WHO THE FUCK IS JENN dpsausage October 7 2005, 15:27:31 UTC
you mean to tell me that you don't already have your groove on... wtf? i thought it was on, so how do you turn it back on. is there a on switch? like someone could flip your switch, cause if you need help i could give you a hanger and you could throw it over your back and flip the switch.

p.s. you have a handcuff thing??!! hmmm... i think that is an aim convo, missy!!


Re: WHO THE FUCK IS JENN slightly_paved October 7 2005, 22:31:13 UTC
pshhhhh well um. i dont know what handcuffs are...
and about that switch. do you think you could paint the hanger orange and black? that might make it easier to reach that switch.


Re: WHO THE FUCK IS JENN dpsausage October 8 2005, 04:36:34 UTC
orange and black... that is irrelevant. i mean as if the colors make a difference.


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