"I can't believe this year's gone by so fast . . ."

Dec 31, 2004 18:37

Ok, so my last post of 2004 is going to begin with
January 7th, 2004

01:05 am
And I think I've found my latest theatrical obsession.

I managed to track down the entire libretto of Camelot tonight. I love it even more now that I've read through the whole thing. I can see why the Arena Stage people decided to cut some stuff out, but I still think that the book is spectacular. They don't make them like they used to. I read the libretto of The Scarlet Pimpernel a month or so ago and it was just awful. Lerner and Loewe is classic musical theatre at its best.

I've officially decided that the saddest scene in the show is the scene where Arthur and Guenevere sing "What Do the Simple Folk Do?" By this point they've lost the ability to speak to each other and confide in each other, but they're trying desperately to hold onto their happiness. They sing this song to try to find a way to forget their troubles. They try whistling, singing, and dancing, but nothing works. In Arena's production the saddest part was when they were dancing. They get all caught up in the dance and it builds so that Arthur finally grabs Guenevere and spins her around. They're all set up for a kiss, but they can't. He slowly puts her down and the move apart. That is the saddest thing of all.

A couple good quotes:

Regarding Arthur's civil court:

ARTHUR: I can't help it. I only mean to stay for a moment, but I become absolutely transfixed. Not because I'm proud of it, which I am. But it's so exciting. Before, when disputes were settled by physical combat, I always knew the outcome, because I could tell at a glance which was the better swordsman. But now, with a jury and a judge, you never know till the verdict. It's positively riveting.
GUENEVERE: I know it is. But I do worry about the jury, Arthur. They don't know the parties involved. They don't really care who wins. Are you sure it's wise to trust decisions to people so impartial?

Arthur's monologue to end Act 1:

ARTHUR: Proposition: If I could choose, from every woman who breathes on this earth, the face I would most love, the smile, the touch, the voice, the heart, the laugh, the soul itself, every detail and feature to the smallest strand of hair- they would all be Jenny's.
Proposition: If I could choose from every man who breathes on this earth a man for my brother and a man for my son, a man for my friend, they would all be Lance. (His bitterness mounts')
Yes, I love them. I love them, and they answer me with pain and torment. Be it sin or not sin, they betray me in their hearts, and that's far sin enough. I see it in their eyes and feel it when they speak, and they must pay for it and be punished. I shan't be wounded and not return it in kind. I'm done with feeble hoping. I demand a man's vengeance! (He moves violently, then tries to control himself)
Proposition: I'm a king, not a man. And a civilized king. Could it possibly be civilized to destroy what I love? Could it possibly be civilized to love myself above all? What of their pain and their torment? Did they ask for this calamity? Can passion be selected?
(His voice rising")
Is there any doubt of their devotion ... to me, or to our Table? (He raises high the sword in his hand)
By God, Excalibur, I shall be a King! This is the time of King Arthur, and we reach for the stars! This is the time of King Arthur, and violence is not strength and compassion is not weakness. We are civilized! Resolved: We shall live through this together, Excalibur: They, you and I! And God have mercy on us all.

January 27th, 2004


09:17 pm
There's nothing like sitting in a warm room.
Made cozy with purple and white Christmas lights.
Watching the snow fall outside you window.
While listening to Ella Fitzgerald.
On itunes.
Current Mood: content
Current Music: Night in Tunisia - Ella Fitzgerald

February 29th, 2004

08:28 pm
I stink at this whole relationship thing. Don't get me wrong, I want to be in a relationship. But I want to be in a relationship where I am equally gaga for the guy as he is for me. I don't want to be put on a pedestal and worshipped. I want to be equal. We've all probably realized that my heart is not easily won. I'm not just going to shack up with the next guy I meet because I'm lonely. I really have to feel something. There's only one guy I've dated who truely made me go weak in the knees (and still sometimes does), but that was just trouble from the start. Besides, that's a non-issue at this point. You know how some people are better off as friends than as a couple or sometimes it's the reverse? I'm beginning to think that maybe I'm in a situation to which the former applies. Goddamnit.
Then there's the fact that I'm really into my own personal space and time. I can't devote every spare moment of my life to another person. I just can't. When I find the guy who I would give up everything for, then I've found a keeper. When I find a guy who makes me sing from the bottom of my heart, then I've found a keeper. It's gonna be a long search.

March 22nd, 2004

01:44 pm
Sad that spring break is over. Scared to go back to New York.
Sad that high school is over. Scared to go to college.
Sad that friendships fade so fast. Scared that new ones won't fill the void.
Sad that relationships end. Scared of letting go.
Sad that the big fish days are gone. Scared of this huge new pond.
Sad that I lost someone to talk to. Scared we'll never get that back.
Sad that the old me is gone. Scared of how the new one will turn out.
So sad.
So scared.

When do you stop trying to rebuild?
When does it stop being worth the effort?
What was the final blow
that made all the history come tumbling down?

Move on.
Just, move on, I say.
But when has it ever been that simple?
I turned my back and move ahead,
But now I can't help turning around
and looking at what I left behind.

I was wrong.
Listen to me,
I admit I was wrong.
The judgements, the disdain,
I'm sorry I caused so much pain.

Look at us now.
Shadows of what we once were.
We changed, but our relationship didn't -
A recipe for disaster.
So, I ask that you remember her-
The girl you once knew, not the one I've become.

I'll try to move on.
I'll try not to look back again.
I'm sorry.

April 23rd, 2004

12:57 am
Hail Poetry, thou heaven-born maid!
Thou gildest e'en the pirate's trade:
Hail flowing fount of sentiment.
All hail Divine Emollient!

I think those four are my favorite lines in "Pirates." I didn't even realize it was only four lines until just now. It is a really beautiful moment in the show. Le sigh.

In other news, I produced a really kick ass piece of writing last night that I'm now going to use as the beginning of my second progression. It's unlike anything I've ever written before. I like it.

May 2nd, 2004

04:12 pm
Just took all of the Playbills and posters off of my wall.

I saw 27 shows this year. 27. I could definitely go for three more year of this. Hell, I could definitely go for a lifetime of this.

This is my home now. I fall more and more in love with this city every day. It's the greatest love affair I'll ever have. As Rebecca said at work yesterday, "Living in New York is a Love-Hate relationship, but you'll never get away."

How am I ever gonna leave next Monday?

June 30th, 2004

11:28 pm
A girl started crying during Song Analysis today. She was singing the song "Where is Love" from Oliver and she was so focused on her objective and her other that she actually started crying while she sang. It was one of the most beautiful, moving things I've ever seen. When Bill asked her what was happening while she was asking all the questions in the song she just said, "He wasn't answering me." It was that simple. She had all these questions and the person she looked to for the answers wasn't giving them to her.

In the past couple of days here I've really begun to understand that singing a song is about connectin with another person. In the specific case of my song, it is about sharing a passion with that person that is scary to the point of exhillaration. And it's really hard. We all know how much I hate making myself vulnerable. This is the challenge that I faced with my acting scene in the spring. How do I open myself up to the possibility of being hurt in some way? By nature I am an extremely focused and organized person. Letting that go either vocally or emotionally is a huge challenge.

I think what scares me the most in this situation is the possibility of letting myself feel something that will go away once the song is over. A love so blinding that it overwhelms all my senses and logic is not really something I'm dealing with in my life right now. Not even close. But I know how that feels. I know what it likes to feel that way. It's terrifying, but amazing at the same time. I loved feeling that way. That is a feeling I will yearn for every day of my life until I find it again. Opening myself up to that in a song is like a tease. It means I get to feel it for approximately three minutes and then it'll be shut away again until the next time I sing. I know this is what it takes to be an actor. I need to be able to tap these emotions freely. I guess it's just frustrating that I get to experience an emotion in song, but not in real life. It somehow makes the ache and loneliness of searching for that person even worse.

July 5th, 2004

10:50 pm - My Reflection
I am a singer
I am more than a singer
I am an actress
I am a wannabe dancer
I am an illusionist
I am a writer
I play by the rules
I am a teacher
I am a student
I am a woman
I am a Jew
I am intelligent
I am dumb
I am logical
I am completely irrational
I am a dreamer
I love the smell of rain on warm pavement
I love the smell of freshly cut country grass
I left my heart at camp
I was born to perform in New York
I have plans for my future lives
I am too focused on this life
I am conceited
I am too humble
I am shy
I am the life of the party
I am intimidating
I am scared of everything
I have a huge heart
I know what it is to have love and lost
I am still waiting
I have never smoked anything
I owe my parents more than I’ll ever know
I love my brother more than he’ll ever know
I am sure of myself
I am a huge chicken
I am lonely
I wish I were in love again
I have been hurt more than once
I want to be a wife
I want to be a mother
I am a jealous person
I have been known to hold a grudge
I am one of the best listeners you’ll ever find
I am a loyal friend
I am always ready to listen
I am listening right now
What do you have to say?

August 1st, 2004
10:52 pm - Love
I've been thinking about Love a lot lately. I guess mostly because I'm not in it and can't detect any on the immediate horizon. Oh, woe is me.

But seriously, I've really been giving the subject a lot of thought lately. It's funny how, as we get older, our preception of love changes. In high school it was about having someone to hold hands with while you walked down the hall and kiss goodbye before class. It was more about the idea of live and what it would be like to experience it for the first time.

Now I can feel my take on Love changing. It's turned into something more long lasting. I find my thoughts about it becoming more and more about something long term. It begins to become more about finding "the one." Love isn't just a young romance, it's something that withstand the obstacles of life and come out even stronger. I think about things now that I never thought of before - like getting married and having kids - finding the person with whom I would want to have a family. I know that's certianly not something that's happening any time soon, but it's out there in the future. It's pretty terrifying, but also kind of exciting to wonder what that will be like.

And that doesn't mean that the desire for a regular boyfriend diminishes.
Current Mood: contemplative
Current Music: "I Hope" - Annie Ger Your Gun

September 22nd, 2004

12:36 pm
gee, I wish I had known aural comp was cancelled before I based my whole morning on getting to that class on time. Oh, well.

As I was walking home I passed a new restaurant where they were roasting a gigantic pig on the sidewalk.

I really like this building because I feel like I have neighbords. Across 2nd street there is this awesome building that's painted red so it sort of resembles a fire house. There's this couple that lives there with their 2 daughters. The wife works and the husband appears to be unemployed. He's always doing work around the building and walking their adorable daughters places. I want to know these people.

October 26th, 2004

09:14 pm
I've been listening to a lot of classical instrumental and choral music lately. I guess I was looking for a departure from musical theatre. And with the constant blast of hip hop and rap from next door, classical music is something that is intrinsicly calming. I just wish I had an ipod so I could listen to this on my way places. I could burn stuff onto a CD, but I'm not sure I feel like lugging my CD player everywhere. Well, we'll see.

We played duck, duck, goose! in voice and diction yesterday. It was the most fun I've had in a long time. We also sat down and talked about the Sophomore Slump. Evan suggested that, aside from our journals for class, we keep a personal journal as well. I decided that should be more than LJ, so last night I sat down with an actual notebook and an actual pen. I wrote 5 pages. I'm going to try to keep it up, even if it just becomes a place for me to doodle and write song lyrics. I think it'll be good to get some things out of my head.

Halloween's this weekend! I don't know what we're doing, but Kristen's being Eloise and I'm going to be Nanny. Better get my costume!
Current Mood: frustrated
Current Music: Suite 1 - Courante - Yo Yo Ma

November 14th, 2004

03:04 am
Soooooooooo drunk.

Having a little trouble typing. Tooke me like 4 tries to type the previous sentence. Boys are silly. An Stupid.. And stuff. Most worthwhile boy I've met this year is asm for my show. But he has a girlfriend. Good for him, sad for me. Not really sad because he is silly. I drunk dialed Matt. I feel silly about doing that. Ok, doing back to Rachie and Darya's room to drink more and watch Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless mind.

December 1st, 2004

09:16 am - "It the most wonderful time of the year!"
It's December! 20 days until my birthday!

I love December.
I woke up before my alarm today. I guess my body was just ready to be up. It's raining outside. Somebody outside is having trouble starting their car. In the next 2 hours I need to draw a ground plan for a set design for "The Glass Menagerie."
But I have this feeling it's going to be a really good day.
Current Mood: flirty
Current Music: "Colored Lights" - And the World Goes 'Round

I've picked my favorite/most memorable posts from the past year (one from each month, actually 2 from January). Read if you're interested.

New Year's Resolutions? Sure, I have a few.

1) Practice everyday
2) Be nicer and more attentive towards my family.
3) Write more
4) Be more trusting and open to relationships
5) Go to the gym at least 4 times a week
6) Take better advantage of the fact that I live in New York.
7) Be more politically aware/active

Happy New Year, everyone! Let's hope 2005 is a good one!
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