Mar 19, 2007 12:39
What kind of laughter are we talking about here? I laugh at idiots, but that doesn’t mean I find them funny. I laugh at doctors who think they’re clever, but that doesn’t mean I find them amusing or clever. I laugh at kids when they say something blunt and honest, but that doesn’t mean I find them cute.
I rarely ever laugh because I care. I rarely ever laugh because it’s the polite thing to do. And I rarely ever laugh at those jokes which are supposed to be funny but aren’t. I laugh at things people aren’t supposed to laugh at - sick things, like, “What’s blue and fucks old ladies? Hypothermia.” Why? Because they’re funny. The more offensive, the funnier it is.
Don’t tell me that’s not true. Because if it isn’t, then why was Monty Python such a world-wide success? They didn’t get their royalties from dishing out champagne comedy. No. They made jokes at the expense of Jewish people, black people, fat people, women, cripples, Jesus, and shocked the world a million times over and are still known as the greatest comedic group in the world all these years on. People who get pissy at the lack of political correctness need to get the proverbial sand emptied out of their genitals.
That’s what makes me laugh. Jokes that I’m going to be sent to hell for, if I believed in a hell. Stupid stuff, guy stuff. There’s only one person I know who appreciates that kind of thing much more than he actually lets on, and he’s also the only person who knows how to make me laugh without even trying. Quick wit, dry sense of humor and great timing. If Wilson wasn’t such a neurotic, uptight sad bastard like every East Coast Jewish person is, he’d make a great stand-up comic.
Yeah, Wilson, this isn’t your cue to start thinking you’re It. Because you’re not. You’re exactly what I said you are - a neurotic, East Coast Jew, with more compulsive obsessions than you can shake a stick at. You do make me laugh, though.
Same goes for you, Cuddy. That you’re female and Jewish instantly qualifies you twice the neuroticism. That doesn’t mean you make me laugh, by the way. I’m just pointing out how neurotic you are, seeing I’m on the subject of Jews.
Anyway, anyway. Back to the low-brow jokes. Why’d the condom fly around the room? Because it was pissed off.
Muse: Dr. Greg House
Fandom: House MD
Words: 438
muse manifesto prompt