Title: A Chiswick Christmas Carol 7/8 + Epilogue
Beta: The wonderful glory_jean who's been doing a wonderful job, thanks!
A/N: Apologies for this taking a while, but y'all know how it is. (Kay, not southern so I'm definitely not using that again). Hope you enjoy! Comments welcome!
A Chiswick Christmas Carol- Part Seven )
Comments 8
I actually did have a bit of a hard time trying to figure out just what would change with Rose there this time, so I'm glad it seems to have come out well! And like I've said, these three are just so much fun to write that it actually came kind of easily, much to my relief. ;)
Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy the rest just as much too!
I love that Rose knows he's about to do something stoopid! That's exactly why he needs her.
Rose gently squeezed his arm, drawing his attention. “We, Doctor. We’re in this together.” She corrected him, her voice gentle. “You’re not alone anymore,” Rose reminded him, reaching up lightly kiss him on the cheek and brush dark strands of hair away from wide, vulnerable eyes. “You have me.” - Eee. I loved this!
Makes me wonder what else he has in his pockets ;)
I'm glad you liked that bit. It kind of just came to me, cause you know that he was so afraid he'd be alone and needs a little reassurance from her. Plus, any fluff with the two of them is just so much fun to write! ^^
Yeah, especially since they're bigger on the inside and all. Except, you have to wonder just how long some of that stuff has been in there....
I really like how you turned the angst of this scene into D/R fluff, and I guess the scene will serve as ab opening for the Doctor to tell Rose about Galifrey... Looking forward to the last couple of chapters :D
Thanks, and I hope you like the last few chapters too!
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